Finland Vladimir Putin



I would say that they’re gut feelings based upon empirical evidence is well based.

It’s one of the many reasons why this blog chooses not to join the cult of Putin worship. The man is like an Obama, full of self importance, full of dictatorial impulses, and though he appears to be hard on Islamic terrorism and Islamization, he would like nothing better for the West to lose the same battle. He’s no friend nor ally.

Poll: Majority of Finns see Putin as threat to Europe

A new survey published in the financial weekly Talouselämä found that female respondents and Swedish People’s party supporters were the most likely to consider the Russian president a threat to Europe’s security, when interviewed shortly before the Ukrainian presidential election.

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin Image: Sergei Ilnitsky / EPA

The majority of Finns responding to a recent poll believe that Russian president Vladimir Putin is a threat to the security of Europe, according to the Financial weekly Talouselämä.

The survey, carried out by Taloustutkimus, found that 59 percent of respondents considered Putin a threat to Europe, while 32 percent believed he is not. The remaining nine percent could not say one way or the other.

Of those polled, women were more likely to see President Putin as a security threat than men. Among supporters of the Swedish People’s Party, more than four-fifths said they considered Putin a threat, compared to only half of Left Alliance supporters.

The survey was carried out last week before the Ukrainian presidential elections. 1,000 respondents were polled by computer-assisted phone interview. YLE

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