Egypt Muslim Brotherhood



And the down side to this is? 

Try as I may, I can’t find any.

Egypt sentences additional Morsi supporters to death

Following the wave of death sentences given out this week to over 500 Islamists in Egypt, two more men have been slated for the country’s death row. The men were convicted of throwing youths off a roof.

Gericht in Alexandria verurteilt zwei Mursi-Anhänger zu Tod

According to a report from Egypt’s state news agency on Saturday, a court in Alexandria has given two supporters of deposed former President Mohammed Morsi the death sentence. The two men had been convicted of throwing youths from the roof of an apartment building during violence that followed the ouster of the Islamist president, Morsi.

Two young men died in the incident, which occurred just after Morsi was deposed on July 3 of last year. Images of the men being thrown from the roof, along with scenes of the defendants raising a black flag often used by militants, were aired many times on national television.

The newspaper Al-Ahram reported that an additional 61 people (some pictured above) were also on trial in Alexandria for the violence that followed Morsi’s downfall, but those verdicts would not be given until May 19.

The death sentences for the two men sentenced on Saturday will be submitted for approval to the mufti, the government’s official interpreter of Islamic law. This is customary for cases involving the death penalty.

More here.

One Response

  1. Awww, I’m so, so, so very sad for them! Look at all these tears I’m shedding!

    I hope the Egyptian justice system sentences them all to death, and executes them before any appeals can be launched. I hope they take a few Hamas members down with them.

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