Islam 101 Muslim Birth rate in Europe Muslim Immigration Muslims Against Sharia



The truth is the truth, even when fried in butter.

Regardless of individual bright lights, the over all ”herd mentality” within Islamic communities will eventually bring Europe and the rest of the West to the very same level seen around the Islamic world.

muslim cattle

Professor Salim Mansur begged to differ.

“Canadians’ mistaken notion that all cultures are equal has disarmed this nation in the confrontation with the illiberal demands of radical Islam,” he fired, noting he was “drawing upon – as an immigrant, as a person of color and as a Muslim – inside knowledge of and lived experience in the cultures of both liberal democracy and Islam.”
“A liberal-democratic society based on individual rights, freedom, and the rule of law cannot indefinitely accommodate non-liberal or illiberal demands from immigrant groups without subverting its own culture,” Mansur noted. He then identified three risk factors: the rise in birthrates among the Muslim community, the nature of Muslim culture and its relationship to non-Muslim cultures, and the West’s multiculturalism.

Muslim Prof. Says Islamic Immigration ‘Threatens West’

Debate over Muslim immigration in Canada takes unique turn as Canadian non-Muslim columnist defends Islamization.
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By Dalit Halevi, Tova Dvorin

First Publish: 3/7/2014, 10:37 AM
Muslim prayer (illustration)

Muslim prayer (illustration)
Flash 90

The MacDonald-Laurier Institute and the Globe and Mail held a public conference recently on the phenomenon of Muslim immigration to the West, which debated whether or not the influx is bringing a culture of violence to Canada and other Western countries.

The debate was conducted between Doug Saunders, journalist for Foreign Affairs for the Globe and Mail, and Salim Mansur, a Political Science professor at the University of Western Ontario, reports Shalom Toronto.

The two addressed the following questions: Are immigrants from Muslim countries bringing violence and values ​​that are inconsistent with Western values​​? Are Muslim immigrants integrating into Western society in the same ways that other ethnic minorities do? And, is Muslim immigration a threat to Canada or West?

Interestingly, it was the political science professor – who is, himself, Muslim – who maintained that Islam remains a threat to Canadian society.

Jihadist Terrorism: Not a Religious Movement, but a Political One

Saunders maintained throughout the debate that Muslim immigration presents no threat to Canadian society whatsoever, and stated that claims that the influx had led to a rise in extremism and violence were misleading.

To prove this, Saunders cited a study by British intelligence agencies on criminals and terrorists, which demonstrated that personal trauma, criminal activity, jail time, and especially political beliefs, are more likely to cause crime than Muslim religious beliefs in and of themselves. The study also concluded that religious education protected against – rather than fueled – violent tendencies.

“Jihadist terrorism is a violent political movement, based on territorial claims and religious separatism – a ‘clash of civilizations’ belief based on political extremism, not religious faith,” Saunders noted. “Islam does not draw people into extremism; rather, political extremism draws its members into Islam.”

More here.

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