Andrew Bostom Hajj Amin al-Husseini Islamic anti-Semitism



Thanks Andy, great discussion with Tom!

How any scholar can continue to pimp the meme of German Nazi anti-Semitic influence on the Mufti of Jerusalem after hearing all the evidence to the contrary (who was spouting anti-Semitic screeds long before the rise of National Socialism), is beyond me.

Andy Bostom in BrusselsMy Trento TV Interview on Iran’s Sharia-Based Persecution of Christians and Hajj Amin el-Husseini’s Canonical Islamic Jew-Hatred

An extended discussion of the Sharia-basis for Iran’s persecution of its Christian population—ignored by even the “conservative media” as described here—and the canonical Islamic Jew-hatred of Hajj Amin el-Husseini, ignored by the “academy” which absurdly recasts it as “Nazism,” or amongst the more “erudite” of its claque, a sui generis “Nazified Islam,”  discussed at length here.


2 Responses

  1. The segment in this interview in which Dr. Bostom described the re-implementation of Najis regulations against the Armenian population in Iran sounded familiar. Although I can no longer access Dr. Bostom’s blog or site because of some technical error ( Forbidden, don’t have permission to access /blog/ on this server due to a 500 Internal Server Error error???). . . .I was, however able to pull up the familiar reference which will prove useful in the future as halal/shariah finance issues impact non-Muslim transactions in the West:

    Eliz Sanasarian‘s important study of non—Muslim religious minorities during the first two decades after 1979 provides a striking illustration of the practical impact of this renewed najis consciousness:

    In the case of the Coca—Cola plant, for example, the owner (an Armenian) fled the country, the factory was confiscated, and Armenian workers were fired. Several years later, the family members were allowed to oversee the daily operations of the plant, and Armenians were allowed to work at the clerical level; however, the production workers remained Muslim. Armenian workers were never rehired on the grounds that non—Muslims should not touch the bottles or their contents, which may be consumed by Muslims.

    Thus, if formal badging requirements for non—Muslims were now to be implemented, these measures would simply mark the further retrogression of Iran’s non—Muslim religious minorities, completing in full their descent to a pre—1925 status. (American Thinker 2006)

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