Christian anti-Semitism WCC



A pathetic bunch of religious hacks.

Because of the ‘Palestinization’ of churches within P.A administered areas of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, and of the leadership positions of traditional denominations represented in J’lem, (by Yasser Arafat, when he was rescued from oblivion by the Oslo ‘Peace Process’), Christian Bishops in the area no longer hail from Europe, but from Arab speaking communities who push a hard-line Palestinian agenda.

Here’s one prime example of an Arab bishop for the Lutheran Church in J’lem, Munib Younan, who is a major anti-Israel propaganda peddler every time he comes to Finland (he speaks fluent Finnish) as well as a poisoner of young Finnish minds who come through the EAPPI program to do their ‘tour of duty’ in the Arab areas of Judea and Samaria and in Israel.

Classical dhimmi……

BishopYounan (1)

NOTE: Munib Younan can always be counted on to put a shine on Muslim-Christian relations, though all the evidence speaks to the contrary.

The WCC’s web­site informs us that “in addition to his let­ter” Tveit remar­ked that “I hope that this will not be inter­preted as a con­flict between Chris­ti­ans and Mus­lims.” Who did he think was orga­ni­zing the sys­te­ma­tic assault on Egyp­tian Chris­ti­ans? Balinese Hin­dus? Papuan ani­mists? Marti­ans? Even Amne­sty Inter­na­tio­nal, which is itself other­wise over-busy with the Pale­sti­ni­ans, dared to men­tion – in a detai­led report (six­teen pages with ample illust­ra­tions) on “Egypt’s Chris­ti­ans Caught between Secta­rian Attacks and State Inac­tion” – that Mus­lims were respon­s­ible for the attacks.

WCC fails Christians – again

The World Coun­cil of Churches (WCC) in Geneva claims to repre­sent and serve 345 churches world­wide. What has it done to help the perse­cuted churches in Iraq, Syria and Egypt? Or the flood of Syrian refugees into Jor­dan and Leba­non? Answer: it has devoted the whole of 2013 to pro­mo­ting a World Week for Peace in Pale­stine Israel (Sep­tem­ber 22-28). That is, it has poured its Swiss francs into stir­ring up the one cor­ner of the area that is cur­rently almost calm.

It is not as if it is a secret that Mus­lim vio­lence in Iraq drove out half the Chris­tian popu­la­tion wit­hin a decade. Or that affi­li­a­tes of Al-Qaeda have emp­tied whole Syrian vil­la­ges and towns of their Chris­tian popu­la­tions. Or that almost a hundred Cop­tic churches in Egypt were assai­led by sup­por­ters of the Mus­lim Brot­her­hood shortly after Pre­si­dent Morsi was depo­sed. And that was merely one chap­ter in the ongo­ing mar­tyr­dom of the Copts, which has seen 100,000 of them fle­eing Egypt since the down­fall of Pre­si­dent Mubarak.

All such facts are docu­men­ted on many web­si­tes, above all that of Ray­mond Ibra­him, which also records the end­less attacks on Chris­ti­ans in Pakis­tan and Nige­ria, indeed world­wide, by Mus­lim groups. Since August 2011, the Gate­stone Insti­tute has pub­lis­hed his mon­thly roundup of such reports. Look at the web­site of the WCC, how­e­ver, and you will hardly notice any awa­re­ness of all that. Instead, the WCC’s web­site is loa­ded with sche­mes and resources rela­ting to the Pale­sti­ni­ans. The “resources” offer com­pi­la­tions of Pale­sti­nian pro­pa­ganda, inclu­ding calls for the so-called Pale­sti­nian “right of return” (that is, the trans­for­ma­tion of Israel into an Arab-majority state).

The excuse for this absurd imba­lance is that the WCC has main­tai­ned for deca­des, and insists on main­tai­ning against all evi­dence, that the churches of the Middle East have no other real pro­blem than the Pale­sti­nian issue. Ear­lier this year (May 21-25), the WCC held a con­fe­rence on “Chris­tian Pre­sence and Wit­ness in the Middle East” near Bei­rut, Leba­non. Its clos­ing state­ment proclai­med: “Pale­stine con­ti­nues to be the cen­tral issue in the region. Resol­ving the con­flict between Israel and Pale­stine in accor­dance with the UNreso­lu­tions and inter­na­tio­nal law, will greatly help resol­ving the other con­flicts in the region.”

More here.

Lebanese bishop

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