


They ignorantly equated FGM with male circumcision. 

To my fellow anti-Islamization colleagues and other activists, don’t sell the farm for the sake of getting rid of an ailing cow.


I am totally against this vote against circumcision. This is pure tyranny. Big government intrusion into the private affairs of the individual. Full stop. It’s not surprising however, and I fear that it’s a trend being set in the US as well, as the post-constitutional republic is becoming more statist like its European cousin.

There is no reason for the state to get involved in private issues such as this, it’s not FGM, but a snipping of the foreskin, nothing else, believing/saying otherwise is either from pure ignorance or malicious intent. A child’s birth is far more traumatic than circumcision ever could be, yet no one remembers the pain of passing through the birth channel, and for good reason.

NOTE: FGM is proven to be mutilation, circumcision, is not.

H/T: Yitzhak Gaskin

Europe Council votes against circumcision

Parliamentary Assembly of Pan-European intergovernmental organization passes resolution calling male circumcision, female genital mutilation ‘a violation of the physical integrity of children.’ Jewish leader: War against circumcision, ritual slaughter conceals new anti-Semitism

Kobi Nachshoni
Published: 10.03.13, 08:39 / Israel Jewish Scene

At the end of a debate in Strasbourg, the Parliamentary Assembly ruled overwhelmingly that male circumcision and female genital mutilation are forbidden, unless the child is over the age of 15 and has given his or her consent to the practice.

The council passed the resolution based on a report by the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, by a vote of 78 in favor and 13 against, with 15 abstentions.

It calls on the council’s member states to “clearly define the medical, sanitary and other conditions to be ensured for practices such as the non-medically justified circumcision of young boys,” the JTA reported Wednesday.

More here.

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