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A serious case of the blind leading the blind off the cliff, and into oblivion.

UPDATE: Nigel makes excellent point in the comments:

Huntington wrote about the difference between modernisation and westernisation in The Clash Of Civilisations and The Remaking Of world Order. His point was that as modernisation occurs there is initially a move towards westernisation but as countries become more confident there is a resurgence in the original culture of the nation in question, as is happening in Turkey. She must be at least aware of this idea even if she disagrees with it because it doesn’t fit in with her ideology.

face palm

This is the ramblings of a statist. She has not a clue of the actual history of the ME region, nor of the real fundamentals of the ideology that drives the region (Islam 101), nor of the enlightened philosophers that gave birth to democratic (small d) pluralism and individual liberty.

The Tundra Tabloids’ intelligent readers will spot right away what I’m talking about, as they read her ‘expert’ opinion on what ails Egyptian society. Economic freedom does not necessarily translate into political /societal freedoms, just look at the Chi-coms. Economic freedom in Turkey hasn’t translated into defeating the rise of fundamentalist Islam in Turkey, in which the governing AKP has taken the slow-as-you-go approach (in comparison to the Egyptian MB) in subverting secular Turkish gains, in favor of more Islam in everyone’s daily life.

Also, the role of the EU is hardly the right vehicle for promoting any kind of call for individual liberty, seeing that it is the epitome of soft tyrannical statism. The EU is anything but (small d) democratic pluralism that fosters individual liberty and the protection of property rights. What this article shows me is that the cultural elite is full of imbeciles and morons and our money wasted on ‘higher learning’.

Korhonen find the history of the case studies that similar financial inducements have worked in the past. The EU is, in fact, founded upon them, Korhonen says.

finn expert says eu can democratize egypt through luring of economics 18.8.2013

The EU could choose a strong influence on the development of countries like Egypt, says the professor of international law Outi Korhonen, University of Turku.

The Union could provide a variety of financial incentives to Egypt.

– Democratization and structural changes may be in the way, as if to buy, she says.

According to Korhonen, the EU could offer to Egypt, for example, access to the EU market. Egypt’s key export products, such as cotton and electricity tariffs could be reduced.

It could ease some of the visa rules and discuss in another tone immigration, migration and participation in the labor market in the EU, if there is a return to a climate that would begin to change significantly in Mediterranean countries other than in Egypt, Korhonen says.


– France and Germany were tied to each other precisely with economic inducements, and war between the two was avoided. It has worked very well. Similarly, the Eastern bloc was integrated into the European Union, and there happened to the history of the world an unprecedented democratization and the transition to a market economy through such inducements.

According to Korhonen, it is difficult to estimate how quickly the offering of financial inducement, will take in Egypt’s development.

– In any case, we’re talking about years, possibly decades.


2 Responses

  1. Huntingdon wrote about the difference between modernisation and westernisation in The Clash Of Civilisations and The Remaking Of world Order. His point was that as modernisation occurs there is initially a move towards westernisation but as countries become more confident there is a resurgence in the original culture of the nation in question, as is happening in Turkey. She must be at least aware of this idea even if she disagrees with it because it doesn’t fit in with her ideology.

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