I strongly object to the use of the word ‘circumcision’ to describe the procedure in cutting a little girl’s clitoris, it’s mutilation. Full, stop. It’s used as a means to deprive (in many cases) the female of sexual arousal and satisfaction, male circumcision does not.

13 yr old girl dies from fgm in egypt 12.6.2013

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  1. THE BUTCHERS OF WOMANHOOD- FGM ( THE COVENANT OF THE FLESH). When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all the men, male children up of eight days old and he was circumcised. The message was direct and in a plain language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The agreement was strategically initiated and the male child grew beholding daily his agreement with God at every call of nature throughout his married life. The covenant of the flesh for a man is with ease to behold with no ill feelings or regrets without medication required afterwards in life. When God warned in a spiritual language and told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not mutilate girls in honor of the dead ( satanic sacrifice since there is no circumcision of girls in God), the message was well understood and was given in a spiritual language which bears two warnings, Leviticus19:28-29. The Israelis parents shall not sexually mutilate daughters and fathers we commanded not have carnal knowledge (incest) of daughters making them prostitutes. Fgm prostitution is a prime satanic sacrifice for a woman prohibited by God, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery requiring medication. Fgm sin of crime of honor humiliation for womanhood persists for many girls globally. There is no open fold of a foreskin in a sexual organ of a woman to cut round that hides dirty stuffs that stinks. There are no undue growths that warrant scrapping. Esther4: 1-17. The King of Persia and Media had a law also on women and only the king’s favor on a wife’s uninvited paid visit to inner court would save her from eminent death punishment by his held out golden scepter an act of favour and approval. This law had sexual control on womanhood. From the fall of man from the garden of Aden man’s further fall from grace was subjected to demonic competitive lust to womanhood in polygamous marriages ( which later turned to enmity against womanhood also in form of fgm) which was not in favor with God and He reduced his old age to 120yrs Genesis 6:1-7. Satan has convinced men and parents to demand and shift girls’ natural Divine onset to maturity from monthly period to fgm prostitution castration in honor of the dead and breast bradding as part of cultural hate crime of honor against lustrous beauty of womanhood in Divine sexuality. Fgm remains a satanic sexual sacrifice honorary prescribed by parents and endorsed by men in tearing down the helm of womanhood from the apex.
    As far as parents remain the relentless heinous bedrock of fgm in co-host of old women in pursuing ensured satanic cultural sacrifice honor offered, there is no equal reprieve for girls from onslaught on womanhood by men in honor of the dead who are hell bent on executing falsely claimed benefits in fgm to men in a deviated demonically controlled sexual life style in marriage life. It is the most sadly unfortunate tragedy for Christians parents being involved in fgm satanic cultural sacrificial goals honored which sin will follow them beyond the grave unless they repent and get saved. I have heard men say women like children and in Christians marriages women encourage the brides to take their husbands as their first born. Initially the two statements were too contradictory to each other and crushing in my mind but I found women forthright and forthcoming. The bridegroom is first satisfied with her blessed fountain of love and her breasts before any child birth. Proverbs 5:18-19. Fgm dehumanized and deforms womanhood being the worst honored satanic cultural religious sacrifice in honor of the dead taxed on womanhood globally. Fgm heinous atrocities destroy the divine sexual entity and dignity of man that establishes him more honorary culturally religiously in demonic world. All men must be saved from satanically tailored cultural honor in fgm slavery endorsed by cultural elites. Fgm remains a satanic sexual sacrifice honorary prescribed by parents and endorsed by men in tearing down the helm of womanhood from the apex. This status has remained the worst honored cultural sexual cruelty performed on womanhood.

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