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The treatment of everyone else, not a devout Muslim straight male, can be a nightmare.

Yet another abysmal  reminder of how the attempt to ‘democratize’ 7th century throwbacks is destined for failure.

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Trading of Women Rife in East Afghanistan, Report Claims

Shakila Abrahimkhil TOLO News

“… women that have been sold three to five times and in some cases sold along with their daughters…”

Taliban-womenNangarhar province with as many as two women traded per day, according to the findings of a sociology researcher.(KABUL) – The sale and exchange of women as goods is rampant in Afghanistan’s eastern

In a report obtained by TOLOnews, researcher Assadullah Ahmadi stated that he found some women had been traded up to five times in three Nangarhar districts – Rodat, Mohmand, and Shinwar – as part of the socially-accepted use of wives and daughters as possessions.

“It is [happening] in Mohmand and Rodad, and all of the Shinwar, and the spot of sale is the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan,” Ahmadi said.

In his report, Ahmadi says that the eastern Afghan women were often sold across the border into Pakistan and usually for less than the cost of a mule.

“There are even women that have been sold three to five times and in some cases sold along with their daughters. When we went to them, we came to know their price is less than a mule,” he said.

Afghanistan’s Ministry of Hajj and Islamic Affairs on Saturday told TOLOnews that it is aware of women being sold in Afghanistan and especially in eastern Nangarhar province, stating that it is a cultural practice that even the clerics are not capable of preventing.

“There is no doubt that women are being sold, and for three reasons: past practices, poverty, and illiteracy. The women whose husbands doubt them, the women that are not liked by their husbands, and the women whose husbands are poor are sold. However they are not sold as servants but they do the Nikah,” said Dai-ul-Haq Abed, deputy minister of Hajj and Religious Affairs.

The Nikah is the temporary or fixed-term marriage allowed in Islam under certain conditions.

More here. 

NOTE: You can rest assured that these women are in fact treated like servants, or worse, as slaves. I only need to remind you of the Pakistani human rights activist in the UK, Dr. Nusrat Raza, who chronicled in her book, Visa For Hell, the use of brides from the ‘old country’ (Pakistan) as virtual slaves in the UK under the guise of marriage.

H/T: Shabnam via Vlad

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