Australia Wilders



Please also be reminded that in free societies, people are allowed to pursue their legal religious freedoms without infringement from nanny state involvement. Jewish kosher laws and circumcision do not effect anyone outside that community and shouldn’t be infringed upon in any way, shape or form.

NOTE: I’m deeply grateful for all Geert Wilders has done to highlight Islamofascism and the jihad (both violent and stealth versions) against the West, and continue to support him in those efforts 100%.

Australian party of freedom

The Australian people welcome Mr Geert Wilders

The Party for Freedom, Australia would like to extend a welcome and thank you to Mr Geert Wilders, Leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom, for making time available in his busy schedule to travel to Australia to speak on the real dangers of the political ideologies of Islam and multiculturalism. We would also like to extend a welcome and thank you to Mr Sam Solomon and Mr Bjorn Larsen for accompanying Geert on his tour down under.

Geert is a principled crusader and an inspiration to millions of people around the world for making a courageous stand against political correctness (intellectual communism) and the rogue elements that support it. Regrettably, due to Geert’s continuous efforts in promoting free speech and challenging the evils of Islam and multiculturalism, he lives under 24/7 protection.

His many sacrifices and compromised living arrangements highlight how dangerous and difficult it has become for a great visionary like Geert to speak freely and truthfully on matters of culture, religion and race, which ultimately amount to a loss of identity for the West.

In the Netherlands, Geert has witnessed the drastic transformation of a peaceful, tolerant and cohesive society into a repressive, regressive and often violent one. This imposed transformation is sweeping right across Europe and the new world due to Islamic and third world immigration. The forced demographic changes supported by sitting anti-Western governments in all Western nations are ushering in a new world of dictatorial decline which, if remain unchallenged, will herald the beginning of unparalleled civil, economic, social and cultural strife and collapse.


We cannot afford to let the ruling political elite, Islamic and socialist groups work together in their quest to destroy the limited free speech still afforded to us. It is time for the people of Australia to make a stand in protection of our right to speak freely, encourage debate and challenge the evils that lurk within that seek to destroy us.

Thank you, Mr Wilders, for being a beacon of light in a dark world.

More here.

2 Responses

  1. One can only hope that the controversy surrounding Geert Wilder’s visit to Australia has more Australian citizens at least talking about matters, islamic. Once we start talking about islam and witness the heroic stance taken by Geert Wilders in “telling it like it is”, I believe it will become obvious that many Australians have have misgivings about the so called “religion of peace”. I feel very passionate about defending the freedom & equality that have been hard won on the battle field and in our communities especially in regards to women. I don’t want to be at my local shops and have to see men whose fundamental belief is that women are the property of men or women deserve to be sexually assaulted for not covering themselves. Please don’t try and tell me that this is not so because you only have to look at the monumental increase of crimes against women in England & Europe by immigrants know that contempt for Kuffar women is a way of life. Thanks for listening to a proud Australian.

    1. Right on, Infidel Grandma!

      The politicans ducked and weaved for cover but today’s Australian reported two letters in strong support of Gert and freedom of speech.

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