Bear with me here. 

I’m going to do something that I don’t normally do, I’m going to put the horse before the cart in this post.

In an article by Jerry Gordon at the Iconoclast (New English review), he writes about Harold Rhode, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute (formerly the Hudson Institute) who “writes a provocative article about the cultural shortcomings of the Muslim World.”

While Rhode’s thinking is for the most part, ‘spot on’ as the Brits say, Clare Lopez elucidates even further, making an extremely salient point, “…thinking that these valued concepts of Western civilization are some kind of temptation to Islam, the institution as administered by Islamic authorities, is folly….it’s not. It is red meat to them, gets them into a murderous frenzy.”

Please do read Gordon’s piece and what Rhode has to say, it’s worth it, but bear in mind what Clair says afterwards, republished just below this. It is the more relevant of the two writings.

More here at the Iconoclast.

NOTE: I would also add that the Islamic community as a whole, would, and will, reject any “reformation of Islam”, such as the kind Christianity went through centuries ago, for the mere fact that they (the Ummah, the Islamic community worldwide) have the hindsight of exactly where the enlightenment will lead, in other words, modern day liberalism.

Clare Lopez:

Harold is absolutely right in everything he says. However, he writes from a totally Western perspective. Islam doesn’t want the same things we want….individual Muslims may, but not Islam, the institution.

Besides which, whatever it is they’re doing, it’s working!

Not only has Islam survived 14 centuries and defeated many non-Western civilizations it has come up against. It may well be on its way to bringing down Western civilization, too….on top of the Buddhists, Byzantines, Hindus, Persians, and Middle East North African Christendom.

We err when we think that Islam will be better off with equal rights, individual liberty, minority protections, and all that we treasure…no! It will not be better off. Islam, the institution, would be destroyed by these things. Non-Muslims and individual Muslims might love them, but the global institution of Islam would be annihilated with acceptance of these principles and they know it. That is why they fight them with everything they’ve got.

They created a system that works to conquer, dominate, and proliferate. It is all-encompassing, complex, and very, very sophisticated. Why would they even consider diluting that in the slightest, much less giving it up?

We have to understand that all first. Then we must study hard and come up with effective ways to get inside their defenses, the way they’ve gotten inside ours. But thinking that these valued concepts of Western civilization are some kind of temptation to Islam, the institution as administered by Islamic authorities, is folly….it’s not. It is red meat to them, gets them into a murderous frenzy.

3 Responses

  1. Off topic (sorry) Is there any photo of the mega mosque in Helsinky on the net?

    1. None that I know of. Next time IM in Helsinki I will take a pic of it

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