Barry Rubin Egypt Muslim Brotherhood



Totalitarian Islam in love with totalitarianism, it’s a match made in hell.

What Do Egyptians Want? A Democratically Elected Islamist Dictatorship

By Barry Rubin

Yes, friends, it’s once again time for that exciting game of Spin the Polls by the Pew Foundation. Here are the rules:

 Rule 1: Pew does a good job on the poll itself.

 Rule 2: The Pew analysis ignores or misunderstands the implications of the poll.

 Rule 3: The Western media and government misread the poll, often misinterpreting the results into the exact opposite of what they actually mean. They then adopt the wrong policies.

Rule 4: If correctly interpreted the polls are a gold mine that can help us comprehend the present and predict the future.

 Some years ago, for example, I analyzed a Pew poll. The poll showed that people in Arab countries had a low opinion of al-Qaida. It was then interpreted as meaning that they were moderate. In fact, as I wrote the poll showed a shockingly high level of support for revolutionary Islamism, especially in Egypt and Jordan.

 Once again we have the misleading spin beginning with the headline: “Egyptians Remain Optimistic, Embrace Democracy and Religion in Political Life.”

 If I were writing the headline it would be: “Egyptians Want Radical Islamist State More Than Anything Else.”

 To be fair to Pew, the lead of their analysis is something very significant that couldn’t have been imagined before now: “Opinions of the U.S. and President Obama continue to be overwhelmingly unfavorable.”  This is somehow spun, however, to imply that there is no real crisis and that U.S. policy need not be reexamined or changed.

 After all, the Obama Administration’s role in helping to overthrow not just President Husni Mubarak (a reasonable action) but the entire regime brought no gain for the United States whatsoever. Instead it helped bring to power an anti-American regime likely to destabilize the region and bring war.

 The poll concludes that Egyptians still want the same type of relationship with the United States.  But what does this mean other than continuing to take U.S. aid money? Using America as a scapegoat—as Middle Eastern dictatorships have done now for more than a half-century—it won’t be long before hate-America rallies, demagogic anti-American speeches, a lack of cooperation on issues, and violence-inciting broadcasts or articles become routine.

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