Donald Rumsfeld Iraq



Good on Rumsfeld, the man wasn’t interviewing him, it was a hack job. KGS

NOTE: The numbers of Iraqi dead spewed by the al-Jizz moron was a dead give away, the total Iraqi dead for the war period in Iraq was about 61 000, never the “hundreds of thousands” this jackal claims.

4 Responses

  1. Disappointed that you seem to think that the NWO stooge Rumsfeld is a good guy.

    His hands are dripping with blood.

    1. My opinions of Rumsfeld are neither here or there, I look at the facts on the ground and the al-Jizz interviewer comes up way short.

  2. English Viking?! That’s a good one.

    So Rumsfeld is a stooge and hands dripping with blood.

    How tiresome you are – you and your ilk -always up for the smear but are invariably short on the facts.

    This short clip provides an object lesson on how to deal with such rudeness and incivility.

    Rumsfeld demonstrates the art of how you deal with such behaviour in a very professional manner.

    The wonder is that so many people put up with rudeness and basic bad manners of people for whom they are actually doing a favour.

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