Finland Finnish Anti-Semites Seppo Lehto



Seppo Lehto is in fact a filth blogger, anti-Semite and a racist, as well as having defamed a good friend of the Tundra Tabloids on one of his many blogs, but he was wrongly convicted for speaking about Islam. That said, He most certainly should be protected by the police from an attack by Islamic nut-jobs, foreign and domestic. Little by little fundamentalist Islam is becoming a factor here in Finland, whether the authorities and politicians except that reality or not. KGS

SUPO investigates threat against Seppo Lehto

Iltalehti: According to terrorism specialists Al Qaeda blogger, Abu Sulaiman al-Nasser, is spreading calls on the Internet to kill the Finnish right-wing extremist.

The threat has landed on the desk of the Finnish Security Police SUPO.

– I am aware of the issue, SUPO Communications Chief Liinu Lehto-Seljavaara confirmed to Iltalehti on Saturday morning.

Al-Nasser, urges Muslims in a message to murder Lehto. The message was reported by the anti-terrorist organizations, SITE and Flashpoint, which, among other things, the follow jihadist activity on the Internet.

Seppo Lehto is known for receiving a two-year and four months sentence on a felony conviction for defamation, agitation against an ethnic group, and breaching the peace of faith.

In addition to Lehto, the Tampere District Court also sentenced another man to conditional imprisonment for the same crimes for a year and two months in May 2008.

Sympathizing with Al-Qaeda

The influential Internet blogger, Abu Sulaiman al-Nasser, was earlier in the news in Finland in June, when a bomb was found near a bridge in West-Pasila, Helsinki, and a firebomb was thrown at the Tapaninvainion Neste Oil station.

Around the same time online messages were published, in which the “global jihad supporters’ praised the deeds and hoping for a continuation.

Message was signed by Abu Sulaiman al-Nasser, whose name was submitted only a week earlier in a threat against Finnish troops serving in Afghanistan.

H/T: Vasarahammer

UPDATE: Seppo Lehto left the following in the comments:

Correction please – Notice:
30.5.2008 I got unfair punishment 2 years 4 months. State procecutor mika illman wanted 2 years 5 months. He got it when he succeed the make new the trial members in december 2010. Case which was closed but because of mika illman reopend. So totall, so called justice punishment 2 years 5 months

I got out from prison in my birthday 6.9.2011

4 Responses

  1. By the way 😉 dear madame: Where am I antisemitic ;)?

    Correction please – Notice:
    30.5.2008 I got unfair punishment 2 years 4 months. State procecutor mika illman wanted 2 years 5 months. He got it when he succeed the make new the trial members in december 2010. Case which was closed but because of mika illman reopend. So totall, so called justice punishment 2 years 5 months

    I got out from prison in my birthday 6.9.2011 my first videos and pictures in freedom

    Seppo Lehto Muhammed caricaturist, islam and borderless immigration criticist in Finland

    1. Hi Seppo, you ask why have I labeled you an anti-Semite, look here. As for the other info, I’ll update the post.

      1. Olin aikoinaan ensimmäisessä skypekeskustelussa 2005 kesällä entiseen Tampellan insinööriin yhteydessä. Hain että keitä on suomenkielisiä ulkomailla.
        Kas yllätys:
        Yhteys Tel Aviv – suomenkieli .. ja kuka siellä entinen suomenjuutalainen joka haukkui perustellusti Gideon Bolotowskyn perustellusti, miehenä joka eniten tehnyt hallaa juutalaisten maineelle 😉 (Huomio ei siis halla-ahoa 😉 ). Hän kehui Suomea ja sotiamme miehittäjä-Ryssää vastaan. Kävi ilmi että oli ollut mukana toimittamassa suomalaisia aseita Israeliin. Loput jääköön muistoihin.
        Nimeään en enää muista, mutta vastaavaa palautetta sain aikanaan Nääshallin edessä samoihin aikoihin 2000-luvun alussa idästä tulleilta juutalaisilta jotka käyttivät lapsiaan painiharjoituksissa ymv kamppailulajeissa. Eli ko. hemmo oli tuttu Ratinan saleilta.
        Joten en itsekään kovin lämpöisiä ajattele Bolotowskystä, miehestä joka on loannut suomalaista panttipataljoonaa ja esti Waffen SS-muistomerkin pystyttämisen Ukrainaan, sekä on TV:ssä että muualla ladellut kommunistivalheita sotiemme syistä ja panttipataljoonasta.

        PS: Muuta en tiedä 😉 Mainitsemasi linkki ei ole minun, mutta monin osin koen antipatioita kommunistisiin, islamilaisiin ymv:iin valehtelijoihin.
        Seppo Lehto Kulttuurihistorioitsija
        Silvottu tynkä-Suomi

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