

A school cafeteria in Canada gets commandeered by an Imam and turned into a mosque every Friday, though every other religion isn’t allowed to do a similar thing. Thanks to Vald for the heads up and for uploading this vid. KGS

Lowell Green on the Toronto Mosqueteria:

Lowell Green on the Toronto Mosqueteria from Vlad Tepes on Vimeo.

Check out the call in which a man says he’s not being allowed to bring any pork product into the school due to Muslims being offended.

8 Responses

  1. I don’t know who Lowel Green is and I don’t know his radioshow, but the feelings of the callers seem to be very strong. Is multicultural Canada not working out?

  2. Dear Lowell,
    I was so pleased to hear the fact raised that there are muslim prayer rooms in our High Schools. I am appalled at this ! When my grandchildren were attending High School they were not allowed a room to hold Christian bible Studies at noon time.
    If our Christian Brothers and Sisters to not soon take a stand and defend our Christian heritage, all will be lost.
    Come on, those who know the Lord, stand up and be counted!! This is a great country and our schools belong to us!!!
    Sincerely Betty Fry 613-224-3743

  3. Lowell, I have been festering for a long time. 15 years ago I worked for the Salvation Army Booth Centre. Somehow, in Dec., before Christmas, word got out among the Muslims that if you wanted free turkey and toys for the kids at Christmas, all you had to do was to call the Sally Ann. I can tell you that the Muslims squeezed out the Christians for help at Christmas. It was basically 10 Christians for 150 muslims getting this CHRISTMAS help. A free dinner delivered plus free Christmas Toys. Effectively, the Muslims squeezed out the Christians for help during the Christmas season!!! Things are out of control. I would like to help our country retain our identity but we are up against a formidable foe!! Don’t retire yet. We need you!!!

    As a past employee of the Salvation Army I can tell you that the majority of calls for Christmas turkeys and Christmas Toys are from Muslims who shun our religion. Meanwhile, the Christian families are turned down because of the great demand by these people. They know a freebie and take advantage. Meanwhile, our poor Christian kids are going without toys and a little turkey dinner to celebrate Christmas. Damn, I’m 65 and really Pissed about the way things are turning out!

    As a past employee

  4. Why is there no other religious saying anything about this. Meaning why are other religious not saying anything for us the one that can’t say Merry Christmas (ONE). I thought we were a Multicultural Country, not an otherculttural Country.

  5. Can we please have schools/businesses open on Sundays and Saturdays?? That way we can see if the Christian and Jewish Teens coordinate their own respective services as the Muslims teens have done. Have you seen the folly?

    1. businesses are open on saturdays and sundays…what are you on about?

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