Hamas Muslim Convert to Christianity


A lot has been said about Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of one of the founders of Hamas, who converted to Christianity and worked for Israel’s Shin Bet. Many are calling him a traitor on both sides, that he can’t be trusted due to an interview on an Arabic radio program, which only Walid Shoebat, (a supposed former Palestinian terrorist) has translated that places him into a bad light. That he says one thing in English and another in Arabic.

The TT needs more proof than that of just Walid Shoebat, who proves himself to be time and again to be on the other side of crazy. Anyone who rips Islam as a violent ideology can’t be all that bad. Just saying, so if any Arabic speaker wants to put out an exact transcript of this interview on the Arabic program, and send it in, the TT would be greatly appreciative. KGS

NOTE: Vlad is working on the video as I post this. Thanks to Vasarahammer

Here’s more on the Walid Shoebat vs. Mosab Hassan Yousef, thanks to EncompassedRunner.

7 Responses

  1. woops! multiple comments (you can see I feel passionately about this…so incredibly anti-Shoebat and with all my heart and strength pro-Yousef, I wanted to make sure my comment posted, and when it finally showed up, it showed up 3 times, sorry, please delete the first 2 comments, or leave them if you wish, I would repeat the sentiment a million times so strongly do I feel this)

  2. I enjoyed the interview. I fully agree with Mosab that there is something radically wrong with Islam. 1.5 b Muslims can not produce a Mandela or a Gandhi. It is true majority of Muslims are good people, and they do not understand the Arabic Koran. Only those who read Koran with Hadith and Sunna can understand that Islam is a lie

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