

This is to be understood in the greater context of the pro-Hamas aid-to-terrorists flotillas. All of these anti-Israel events are meant to try and delegitimize the Jewish state on the world stage, and hopefully, from their perspective, get the Israelis to do something really damaging, like killing one of these activist/terrorist supporters.

Palestinian Facebook group urges rushing of Israel’s borders

New pro-Palestinian group on social media site urges Arabs to march on Israel’s borders following coming Friday’s prayers

Roee Nahmias
Published: 05.18.11, 19:24 / Israel News

Pro-Palestinian activists have formed a new Facebook group calling for mass marches on Israel’s borders this coming Friday.

The group – “Third Palestinian Intifada” – urges Arab activists in neighboring countries to storm Israel’s borders in reaction to the recent “Nakba Day” events and ensuing casualties.

Several Facebook groups urge a third mass popular uprising against Israel, and one of them sports a “Friday of response” page, bearing the date May 20. The page, which currently has 100,000 “Like’s”, does not however give any details on how or exactly when these marches should take place.

More here.

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