Obama Obama anti-Israel


Jews sitting in the line of fire take a more realistic view of their situation than have many of their co-religionists in the States, vis-a-vis Obama’s M.E. policies. That I believe is soon going to change, as Jews in the US are slowly coming to the same conclusions as the majority in Israel. Many were fooled by the Obamination and the suck ups in the media, but things will go differently this time around, for sure. KGS

Poll: 12% of Israeli Jews consider Obama to be pro-Israel

05/27/2011 01:54

Despite AIPAC speech, 40% of 600 Jewish Israelis deem US administration pro-Palestinian in ‘Jerusalem Post’/Smith poll.

US President Barack Obama’s attempt to portray himself as pro-Israel in a high-profile speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Sunday did not succeed, according to a Smith Research poll sponsored by The Jerusalem Post.

The speech was intended to correct impressions that he was hostile toward Israel, which may have been reinforced by a landmark address about the Middle East that he delivered at the State Department last Thursday, and by a tense press conference at the White House on Friday with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

In the AIPAC speech, Obama chose not to specifically rule out the “return” to Israel of millions of descendants of Palestinian refugees, and did not announce his first visit to Israel as president, as many hoped he would. But he did insist that Israel must remain the Jewish “homeland,” indicating opposition to the Palestinian demand for refugees’ “return, spoke about Jews’ yearning for Israel through the centuries, listed many ways in which his administration was helping Israel and clarified his position on creating a Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 lines with mutually agreed land swaps.


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