Fjordman sends the TT the following article by Michael C. Tuggle abut the Antifa, a collection of Communists, Anarchists and Socialists in general who have embarked upon a holy crusade, as they see it, against anything resembling patriotic nationalism. They have a very limited world view, and for the most part unwilling, or worse yet, unable to spell out their ideology for fear of having to defend it.

Simply put, they can’t really define themselves other than being against “racism” and “fascists” and they’ll leave it at that. The  Antifa ideology is both totalitarian and utopian, which means that they believe that they do not have to tolerate dissenting views or other opinions, and truly believe that they themselves are the vanguards of the perfect society.

In short, they’re statists, and while their views are at odds with those of the real racial supremacists (only the white ones of course, fundamuslims, La Raza and Black Panther groups, all racists in their own right are tolerated) they exhibit the same knuckle dragging qualities as their opposition, the socialist ultra-nationalists, the Nazi lovers and Fascists. Brute, mind numbing force.

These people, like the fringe KKK and other racist groups just mentioned, need to be opposed, infiltrated by the police and exposed for who they are….and jailed. Most importantly though, the media needs to get off its dead ass and actually report on who these thugs really are, a collection of commies, anarchists, socialists, nihilist statist, thugs. They are not a group worth lionizing, quite the contrary, then need marginalizing, and fast.

Special thanks to Fjordman for this eye opening piece. KGS

The Antifa Fad: Totalitarian Anti-Fascism

[…] I had interviewed Michael Behrle minutes earlier, having spotted his anti-Nazi arm patch. Twenty-two, white, with reddish-brown hair and a short beard, Behrle heads the Charlotte, North Carolina branch of Anti-Racist Action. He’s a barista who enters latte art competitions. I asked him why he’d come.

“We’re here to show Jared Taylor we’re not going to allow him to take away our rights.”

“But Taylor’s group just makes speeches about immigration.”

“Anarchist and communist intellectuals preached that violence in a holy cause was an act of purification and renewal.”

Behrle’s jaw clenched. “That’s because they’re white supremacists. They want to bring back segregation, and that’s simply not going to happen. Our action here will show other fascists they’re not welcome in Charlotte.”

Fascists? I wanted to probe more, but he shook his head and turned back toward the other protesters, his eyes fixed on me as he walked away.

For Michael Behrle and many others like him, those are the battle lines in post-Cold War, multicultural America: on one side, fascists, and opposing them, the antifa. The word “antifa” comes from Antifaschismus, the German term for anti-fascism. Dressed in their preferred street garb of black clothes, boots, balaclavas, and anti-Nazi patches are young people, almost all white, driven by an ideology as powerful and magnetic as communism. French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut has warned, “I think that the lofty idea of ‘the war on racism’ is gradually turning into a hideously false ideology. And this anti-racism will be for the 21st century what communism was for the 20th century: a source of violence.”

What’s frightening is that antifa believe conservatives, immigration-control activists, and Tea Party protesters are clandestine fascists. Behrle’s group, Anti-Racist Action, makes this explicit on its website:

“The National Socialist Movement and similar open fascist forces are seeking greater political legitimacy. They want greater influence within larger white nationalist and reactionary social and political forces, such as the anti-immigrant movement, the ‘tea-baggers,’ and the re-emerging militia movement.”

Antifa activists do not debate their enemies; after all, their enemies are fascists and thus have no legitimacy. Their goal is to confront and silence them. From the Anti-Racist Action website:

“If you can get away it [sic], carry weapons, or if there’s a chance you might get searched by cops, carry items that can be used as weapons in a pinch (hefty flagpoles, thick placard sticks, batteries, maglights, bike locks).…And don’t forget your masks—nothing makes the fascists tremble like a group of black-clad, balaclava-wearing Antifa bearing down on them.”


Many antifa identify themselves as anarchists and communists. Both earlier movements secularized Christianity’s message that a chosen few will guide the world away from evil and toward the good, which today’s antifa warriors envision as a raceless, classless, unified world. But to get there, the old constraints must be broken. Anarchist and communist intellectuals preached that violence in a holy cause was an act of purification and renewal. Prince Kropotkin, who never harmed a fly or a single detested royal in his life, once wrote, “A single deed is better propaganda than a thousand pamphlets.”

Or as Daryle Lamont Jenkins put it, “If someone wants to be involved with OPP, they have to remember that it isn’t about putting out propaganda.”


12 Responses

  1. I think you are a little misinformed or idiot sir.
    I recommend you to read a bit more and doing research before doing such a stupid article.

    1. And coming from a asshead in Mexico, I am to assume what?

  2. LOL. This article is ridiculous. Most of them tend to be pretty politically sophisticated, and while some might be Communists, more are Anarchists.

    They are violent though. Nazis often believe they are the most prepared for a fight, best armed, best organized, most “badass”….They get their ass beat or shot dead. If the white anti-racists dont kick their ass and evict them first, you might see black or latino nationalist groups alerted and it wont be safe for anyone to openly display nationalist symbols or style. Usually when these groups decide to clean up an area they wont stop coming until the group has relocated and switched to plain clothing and driven underground.

    1. ANTIFA’s, Socialists, Nazis KKK’rs , Latino and Black ultra nationalists are all statists, of which many are violent thugs. All of them are to be opposed.

    2. Stupid Nazis don’t cover their faces, Coward Anarchists do cover their faces.

      As it obvious the Antifa protects and alerts the black and latino nationalists, I think it no more than just if Antifa men get black and latino girlfriends.
      Finally, the police protects Antifa better than they protect the Nazis.

      Conservatives, however, should understand that if they really oppose Nazis, they shouldn’t leave direct action to the “commies”, but hunt down the other kind of statist themselves.

  3. antifa can’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag. they also have small penises.

  4. What’s not to loathe about antifa? The fact that they kick nazi ass! And while you cry about antifa violence, look at all the murders and assaults carried out by right-wing gangs against individuals, how very brave of the “master race.” Nazi scum your day will come, once again.

    1. You and the Nazis/fascists/communists and every other kind of statist ideology are the mirror of each other. You should all be taken to a deserted island and let loose upon each other. Get it Jack?

  5. …I think we have moral obligations to disobey unjust laws, because non-cooperation with evil is as much as a moral obligation as cooperation with good. – MLK Jr.

    Smash fascism! Support human rights!

    …I think we have moral obligations to disobey unjust laws, because non-cooperation with evil is as much as a moral obligation as cooperation with good. – MLK Jr.

    1. You have nothing to do with ‘human right’, and everything to do with juvenile totalitarian impulses. You have nothing in common with Martin Luther King Jr. no matter how much you ache to ride his coat tails, he wouldn’t have anything to do with you, he never approved of ‘smashing faces’.

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