''Arab Spring'' Saudi Arabia


This is an interesting article for a couple of specific reasons. First of all, the author, Ali H. Alyami, admits that Islam and democracy are incompatible, so much so, that he goes all the way in declaring it against democracy. He’s right. Secondly, he rightly describes the Saudis as being a major factor in spreading the jihad around the globe.

Where he fails in his logic is his assertion that the continued unrest presently sweeping throughout the Middle East -which the TT agrees will not bypass the House of Saud- should be met with US support of those wanting to overthrow the Saudi Royals. Make no mistake, the TT loathes the House of Saud, and everyone of its members, but one does not toss aside a regime without being sure what will likely take its place.

Do we really believe that Islam and sharia law will not play as crucial of a role in a post-royal Saudi Arabia as it does presently? Really? The TT highly doubts that, as much as it doubts true reformers or real democracy lovers taking over the reigns of power. What’s more likely is the institution of an Imamocracy that will rival the Iranian regime.

Feel free to disagree of course, but please come up with some kind of rationale to back your thoughts up and leave them in the comments. KGS

NOTE: Saudi Arabia, a place where one can visit the 7th century and not be in a museum.

Saudi Arabia: Islam Is Against Democracy

Rattled by the unprecedented and contagious revolts befalling Arab despots around them, the Saudi monarchy has realized that bribery is not enough to placate their disenfranchised citizens. The notorious Saudi Minister of Interior, Prince Naif, issued a stern warning against any public demonstration by anyone at anytime in the repressive desert kingdom. As usual, his royal warning was immediately echoed by the top religious clerics including the Saudi Mufti, Al-Ashaikh.

According to the Imam of Prophet Mohammed’s Mosque in Madinah, Al-Hudaifi, “Laws and regulations in the Kingdom totally prohibit all kinds of demonstrations, marches and sit-in protests as well as calling for them as they go against the principles of Shariah and Saudi customs and traditions…

There is no place for chaotic demonstrations in this country of monotheism because Shariah is the dominant force in this country.” This is the first time the religious establishment has unequivocally asserted that Islam is against individual liberty and freedom of expression. This means that as long as the Quran is the country’s constitution and the Shariah is its law, there can be neither political participation nor personal freedom.

More here.

3 Responses

  1. I was working as a consultant in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) for four years not so long ago.
    Prince bin Naif was on one of the boards that I had to advise – so I met him quite regularly. He cornered me for coffee after one of the meetings, and complained vociferously that he wasn’t really all that rich – just “one of the many Princes.”
    When I prodded him on that to clarify what he meant by “not really all that rich”, he complained to me that he was only getting $1 for every barrel of oil that Saudi Arabia got out of its wells.
    At that time, Saudi Arabia (under Aramco) had more than 800 flowing wells, and produced about 11 million barrels a day from probably the largest oil reserve in the world.
    So I pointed out to him that his income of $11,000,000 a day was not bad… he scoffed at me and told me it was pittance compared to what some of the senior princes made – he seemed genuinely jealous.
    The Saud house of royals do not want to give up ANY of their incredible wealth, and throwing money at its citizens is a just a tiny minuscule drop out of their vast bucket. Because of this, Saudi Arabia will also stamp out any uprising viciously and use the Cowran to justify the slavery of its citizens.

    1. Thanks George, that pretty much sums up the Saudis. They are the archetypical greedy robber baron, but in this case, they haven’t done anything to really anything to generate wealth, they just happen to be a high member within the ruling clan, that’s it. A man or woman of wealth who actually was responsible for producing/generating wealth from nothing, can never really be labeled as greedy for being very wealthy, they earned their wealth through the hard work of their own hands.

      Greed, in my opinion, is the coveting of another’s personal wealth or fruits of labour. So in other words, Socialism = greed.

      The ruling Saudis are an evil clan, pure and simple, and it would be great for them to be taken down, thrown out of power, but I shudder to think what would take their place. Thanks for sharing that George, much appreciated.

  2. These ‘desert dirtbags’ have the perfect racket, We the fools in the west took them out of their tents, off their Camels, and put them in power many years ago, and our genius politicians thought they could control them. Now they are buying up our countries with the money we ‘pay’ them for the oil.

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