Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff


Many thanks to Gates of Vienna for posting the entire speech delivered yesterday by Elisabeth in Miami Florida. Here’s a portion of it with a link to the GOV’s post. KGS

The Baron: This afternoon a new organization called The United West was launched in Miami, Florida. Its goal is to unite Western Civilization against sharia.

The United West is an outgrowth of the Florida Security Council, but aims for an international reach. To that end, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was one of the featured speakers. Below is the text of the speech she gave this afternoon:

The Job That Has Been Chosen For Us

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I’d like to thank Tom Trento for inviting me to sunny South Florida for the launch of The United West. Coming from frigid Vienna, it is a delight to feel the warmth and enjoy the sun for a change!

I was quite surprised to learn that Florida is one of the hotbeds for radical Muslims in the United States. What brings them here? Do the palm trees and sand remind them of the oases back home?

In any case, they’re here. So why should we worry about Islam?

It’s just a religion, like Judaism or Christianity. We’ve been told not to let a few violent radicals discredit a great religion.

Yes, we’ve all heard these words before. But they are only pretty lies.

Read it all here.

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