Egypt Elbaradei Muslim Brotherhood


Thanks to Obama.

This is an excellent article which highlights the daft West, namely the Obama administration, in its role in paving the way for the Muslim Brotherhood’s new found ‘respectability’ in its entrance as the main front runner in Egypt’s ”new democracy”.

Giving the Muslim Brotherhood the legitimacy that they seek is the worst blunder Obama could have made, and now -seeing that Obama has restated his decision to ‘respect’ any elected government that the people of Egypt choose- they no longer need their front man, the opportunistic, Mohamed Elbaradei,  since the Muslim Brotherhood is being so openly courted by the West. Judith A. Klinghoffer fills in the blanks for us. KGS

H/T: J.Klinghoffer


Muslim Brotherhood dumps ElBaradei: he dumps peace treaty with Israel

By Judith A. Klinghoffer (bio)

Muhammad El Baradei thought that the Gods were smiling on him. After decades of living abroad he used the demonstrations to return to Cairo as “a leading opposition leader” and immediately sought to establish close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood on the assumption was that the West knows him and will trust him to tame the powerful Islamist party. At first the Brotherhood played along hoping El Baradei will provide them with an entre to the negotiations. Alas, things changed.

Rather than needing an acceptable front man, the Brotherhood discovered that not only were Western forces including President Obama not opposed to Brotherhood participation, they demanded it. In other words, El Baradei lost his usefulness to the organization and they dumped him unceremoniouly as is obvious from this exchange between Christiane Amanpour and Egyptian vice president Omar Suleiman:

AMANPOUR: You said that you would start a dialogue with the opposition parties.


AMANPOUR: Including Mr. ElBaradei?

SULEIMAN: No, ElBaradei is not one of the opposition. He has his own group, which — related to the Brother Muslimhood (ph) or have links with Brother Muslimhood (ph). And Brother Muslimhood (ph) ask me that they want to open a dialogue with me without Mr. ElBaradei.

What doe El Baradei do? He goes on Meet the Press and hints to the Brotherhood that they can trust him to be “flexible” on the issue of peace with Israel. Afer all, Rashad al-Bayumi, the Brotherhood’s number two told Japanese TV that the Brotherhood would “join a transitional government in order to cancel the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, as it ‘offends the Arabs’ dignity and destroys the interests of Egypt and other Arab states.’” which the Brotherhood is seeking to abrogate.

The more “sophisticated” if hardly less ruthless or opportunistic El Baradei told David Gregory that the continuation of the Egyptian Israeli peace treaty will depend on Israeli treatment of the Palestinians. A shaken Gregory asked him to clarify but El Baradei slip slided away.

MR. GREGORY: And yes or no, should Egypt in the future always maintain the peace treaty with Israel?

MR. ELBARADEI: I, I think so, but it’s not just dependent on Egypt, David, it also depends on Israel. Israel should not continue to apply a policy of force, vis-a-vis the Palestinians, should agree to what everybody knows that Palestinians have the right to establish a state similar to what the proposal of former…

MR. GREGORY: Dr. ElBaradei, I think a lot of people hearing this–Dr. ElBaradei, people hearing this will hear equivocation, and there’ll be great fear about a potential leader of Egypt saying that the peace treaty is not rock solid with Israel.

MR. ELBARADEI: Well I think, I think everybody saying it is rock solid, but, but, but everybody also saying that, at the same breath, that whether Egypt is a democracy, whether Egypt is a dictatorship everybody in Egypt, everybody in the Arab world will want to see an independent Palestinian state, David. I don’t think anybody disagree with that. That has nothing to do with the peace treaty between Egypt and, and Israel, which is, as you said, has been concluded, and I assume that Egypt will continue to respect it, you know?

More here.

3 Responses

  1. I hope the Egyptians are ready to get their asses kicked.

    1. Their misery won’t end with the beginning of a new government

      1. I think you’re right. With a Muslim Brotherhood government it’s only the beginning of huge problems.

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