Finnish healthcare Nanny Statism Socialism Uncategorized


It’s come to this. Due to the shortfall of doctors, the Finnish nationalized health care system has been forced finding new inventive ways to deal with the lack of doctors their utopian healthcare system is responsible for. Now Finnish government run healthcare will take to training nurses to write prescriptions in places where medical doctors are in short supply.

Finnish nurses are highly trained, and they’ll be given only ‘limited rights’, but in the TT’s opinion,  a nurse shouldn’t be replacing a medical doctor. This case highlights the severe pitfalls in state run healthcare. When you nationalize anything, you end up rationing it later on down the road. KGS

Nurse Eija Hotakainen (left) and her colleagues Aino Varrio and Outi Korhonen have started special training at the Oulainen unit of the Oulu University of Applied Sciences to become qualified for a limited right to give prescriptions to patients.

Nurses start prescription qualification training

HS: Many of the applicants come from municipalities that suffer from a shortage of doctors. This was the case with nearly half of the nurses taking part in the opening seminar in Oulainen. “There is a constant shortfall of a few doctors”, says Varrio, describing the situation in her hospital in Kemijärvi.

More here

6 Responses

  1. I think the Finns are copying the system here in Sweden, which has been practised at our state-run medical stations for a couple of years now. The national health care over here has been slimmed down for financial reasons, which in turn has resulted in GP:s being burdened with administrative duties as well. Because of this, there obviously is less time to meet patients in face-to-face sessions, so to ease some of the workload, registered nurses have been granted prescriptive authorities for some of the milder medications (excluding insulin, chemotherapy, and psychofarmaka products, antibiotics and narcotics-classed prescription drugs) – a service which usually is administered over the phone or through the internet.

    1. that’s the point, the need to ‘slim down’, utopians would of course deny that would ever be necessary, and will of course try again once the economy jump starts.

  2. ” When you nationalize anything, you end up rationing it later on down the road.” KGS
    OH yeh? Then why is Israels health-care system so successful? They treat everybody for free, including the damned arabs that want them dead! And they’re not going broke…So there is more to it than just….government run…….

    1. When looking closer at Israeli nationalized healthcare, you’ll see the same phenomenon. The laws of economics knows no borders.

  3. The US experience, “death by decimal”.
    Chicago Tribune Investigation
    [From 1995 to 2000] 1,720 hospital patients have been accidentally killed and 9,584 others injured from the actions or inaction of registered nurses

    1. 1 in 300 chance of being killed in British Health care NHS. More than the risk than flying.

      US patients dying from death in the US is anywhere between 33 000 to 98 000 per year depending upon which site you trust. Taking the average, lets say 62 000, you have a one in 566 chance of dying in a US hospital compared to a British one.

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