Islam 101 Tunisia


This something that the TT posted on yesterday, but since Daniel Pipes weighs into it, it bears returning to once again. The Tundra Tabloids emphatically agrees with Pipes that the bastard that be, the recently deposed Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, was the best defense against the fundamuslims and was close to the model of  government(s) of Turkey before the rise of the fundamuslim AKP.

The Tundra Tabloids deems however, the argument that “Ben-Ali failed to encourage ‘moderate’ Islam and is a missed opportunity and therefore partly to blame”, being mooted by the fact that all four schools of Islamic jurisprudence remain consistent in their upholding of all the fundamental tenets of Islam.

No matter what Ben-Ali was able to do with this supposed ‘moderate teachings of Islam’, in due course it would be only a matter of time before the fundamentalists eventually get the upper hand, because the weight of evidence in how to understand Islam is in their favor.

Preaching ‘moderate Islam’ only amounts to kicking the can further down the road. The TT does agree however, just like in the case of a Turkey run by a Military junta, that Tunisia and the world would be better off with Ben-Ali in power, than with the Ennahda. KGS


NOTE: Rachid Ghannouchi, head Tunisia’s main fundamuslim organization, the Ennahda. He’s just waiting for the time to strike. So much for Tunisian freedom to choose and democracy.

Tunisia’s Uncertain Impact

The sudden and yet-unexplained exit of Tunisia’s strongman, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, 74, after 23 years in power has potential implications for the Middle East and for Muslims worldwide. As an Egyptian commentator noted, “Every Arab leader is watching Tunisia in fear. Every Arab citizen is watching Tunisia in hope and solidarity.” I watch with both sets of emotions.


The first worry concerns Tunisia itself. For all his faults, Ben Ali stood stalwart as a foe of Islamism, battling not only the terrorists but also (somewhat as in pre-2002 Turkey) the soft jihadists in school rooms and in television studios. A former interior minister, however, he underestimated Islamists, seeing them more as criminals than as committed ideologues. His not allowing alternate Islamic outlooks to develop could now prove a great mistake.

Tunisian Islamists had a minimal role in overthrowing Ben Ali but they will surely scramble to exploit the opportunity that has opened to them. Indeed, the leader of Tunisia’s main Islamist organization, Ennahda, has announced his first return to the country since 1989. Does Interim President Fouad Mebazaa, 77, have the savvy or political credibility to maintain power? Will the military keep the old guard in power? Do moderate forces have the cohesion and vision to deflect an Islamist surge?

More here.

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