Islamic Rage Islamic Supremacy Islamic Violence Muslim Intimidation Muslim persecution of Christians


This is one of the reasons why the Tundra Tabloids, as well as many others, retains the right to pun, lampoon, ridicule, malign, chastise and offend the supposed ‘sacred’ symbols of Islam. The followers of the schizophrenic warlord Mohamed absolutely have no problem whatsoever in offending the rest of humanity, but mention that Mohamed (by his own mouth) was a pedophile and promoted it, and that fact was elucidated by Islamic writers of the many hadiths throughout the centuries, and you’re brought up on blasphemy charges just like Helsinki city councilman Jussi Halla-aho. KGS

NOTE: As long as the followers of Islam sling out offense after offense against everyone who disagrees with their world views, in the form of sharia, intimidation, murders, fatwas for printing Mo, anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, Infidelophobia and an over all hatred of the other,  and mayhem in general, the Tundra Tabloids says, Roast a Koran.

H/T: Sophie

Muslim Christmas in Europe

“Another Offense Is ‘Claiming God Has a Son.'”

Europe’s Christmas and New Year holidays this year were overshadowed by widespread Islam-related controversies in nearly every European country — conflicts that reflected the growing influence of Islam thanks to mass immigration from Muslim countries, and an ominous sign of things to come, considering that Europe’s Muslim population is expected to double by the end of the decade that began this week.

Some of the most heated multicultural dust-ups during the December 2010 holidays took place in Britain, where a Muslim group launched a nationwide poster campaign denouncing Christmas as evil. Organizers posted across Britain thousands of placards claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and paedophilia. They said they hoped that the campaign would help to “destroy Christmas” in Britain, and instead lead to Britons converting to Islam.

The placards featured a festive scene with an image of the Star of Bethlehem over a Christmas tree. But under a banner announcing “the evils of Christmas,” the posters mocked the traditional English Christmas carol, The 12 Days of Christmas. The posters read: “On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me an STD [sexually transmitted disease]. On the second day, debt; on the third, rape; the fourth, teenage pregnancies, and then there was abortion.” According to the posters, Christmas is also responsible for paganism, domestic violence, homelessness, vandalism, alcohol and drugs. Another offense of Christmas is “claiming God has a son.”

The bottom of the poster declares: “In Islam we are protected from all of these evils. We have marriage, family, honour, dignity, security, rights for man, woman and child.” The campaign’s organizer, 27-year-old Abu Rumaysah, wants Islamic Sharia Law imposed in Britain and says he is not concerned about offending Christians. He says “Christmas is a lie, and as Muslims it is our duty to attack it.”

The British Red Cross seems to agree. For nearly a decade, it has banned Christmas from its more than 400 fund-raising shops; British newspapers reported that workers were ordered to take down Christmas trees and nativity scenes and to remove any other signs of the Christian festival because they could offend Muslims.


2 Responses

  1. Madmans nuts are roasting over a burning Quran..LOL..Someone should put these people in their place…Peace to alll non-muslims.

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