''Arab Spring'' CNN Egypt Muslim Brotherhood


First is this massive A-hole, Mohamed Elbaradei, on CNN spreading his taqqiya thick goo for the naive and ignorant who happen to watch CNN.

Then there is this CNN hack who interviews a Muslim Brotherhood member, Ahmed Osama, ”reporting live” from the center square in Cairo. First off though, the CNN hack sets the tone with the following massive, steaming pile of praise:

“I’m asking about the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that has tirelessly, and in many cases quite courageously, campaigned in elections, it has campaigned against the government, it has campaigned on behalf of the poor in Egypt. It has a long, long history in that country. What role should it have now?”

H/T: Weasel Zippers

UPDATE: Related: Christine Brim at Big Peace:

Muslim Brotherhood Deception: They Say Different Things in English and Arabic

Click here.

One Response

  1. It is true that they say one thing in English and something else in Arabic, back at the Mosque.
    It’s hard to believe human beings can perfect such evil hatred and disguise it so well.

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