Islam 101


UPDATE and related: Make to read Frank Gaffney’s latetest: Reporting Islam: Fair, Balanced – and Accurate

[The sooner we awaken to shariah as the enemy threat doctrine we confront – and recognize the range of guisesbeing adopted by those who promote it, the sooner we will be able to counter the danger posed by the mosque at Ground Zero and around the world.]

Islam today is a politico-religious system based on the principle of slavery.

The goal of Islamic ideology, as depicted in its fundamental texts, is to enforce, willingly or not, Sharia law upon Humanity.

Sharia law contains the obligation of Jihad, to wage it or to support those who do it, militarily, politically, culturally, socially, and economically.

Sharia law violates Human Rights and the principles of Democracy, it abolishes the right to life, and it threatens the physical integrity and right to property of those who refuse to submit.

It has encouraged conquest, wars, slavery, countless persecutions and murders, and genocides like the Armenian one and today’s systematic attempts to annihilate religious minorities. 14 centuries of efforts to enforce Sharia law on mankind have carved a bloody scar in human history.

Any promotion or spreading, directly or indirectly, of Sharia law make those who commit it are accomplices to religious incitement to hatred and violence on a worldwide scale and thus accomplices of a crime against humanity.

This must be known, this must be said.

We declare 2011 to be the International Year of Truth About Islam.

From the ICLA

4 Responses

    1. Thanks Mark, we are now becoming a force to be reckoned with. The idea is to have this spread around as simultaneously as possible, to show the size and depth of the movement against sharia.

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