EDL Free Speech


The moon god of mohamed:

You EDL really get my goat!

This goes against the basic premise of our democratic ideals, the ability to say things that will offend others, regardless of whether it’s just opinion or fact. When we begin to oppress people for holding unpopular views, we are then that much closer to losing all of our liberty, for who else will the arbiter of what is permissible to say, than the government?

Political tyrants in Britain are seizing the issue of “societal cohesion” and using it to forcibly gut free speech laws that have been the pride of the UK for ages, to suit their multicultural agenda. The issue of societal cohesion is a ploy, a dodge, or ruse, in order to pacify the populace, to kowtow them into submission. You no longer can speak your minds.

I suggest that hundreds if not thousands of EDL supports gather into the center square to hurl epitaphs at Islam’s dead prophet and its allah, not for the sake of offending others who happen to think these characters are great, but to show the state that they can’t be the sole arbiters of what is permissible speech. KGS

Anti-Allah outburst earns EDL supporter £200 fine after protest in Leicester

A man has been fined for making offensive comments about Allah during the English Defence League protest in Leicester.

Lee Whitby was found guilty of using racially aggravated abusive words during the protest in the city centre on Saturday, October 9.

During a trial at Leicester Magistrates’ Court yesterday, the 27-year-old pleaded not guilty to chanting “threatening, abusive or insulting” words that were likely to cause “harassment, alarm or distress.”

Although he admitted making comments, Whitby said he did not believe they would have been heard by anyone other than police officers or fellow EDL supporters.


4 Responses

  1. Hi.
    Actually i think you are depicting an Sumerian – Babylonian deity,
    has nothing to do with Islam don’t see these earlier religions connected to Islam.
    They already grab already enough Jewish stuff to claim theirs.

    1. Hi MFS, that is the moon god, there were various versions of it throughout the region.

  2. Hi.
    Just making a point who “Borrows” from other religions.
    Nanna is a god in Sumerian mythology, god of the moon, son of Enlil and Ninlil. His sacred city was Ur. The name Nanna is Sumerian for “illuminater”.

    He was named Sin in Babylonia and Assyrian and was also worshipped by them in Harran. Sin had a beard made of lapis lazuli and he rode on a winged bull.

    His wife was Ningal (‘Great Lady’) who bore him Utu ‘Sun’ and Inana and in some texts Ishkur.

    His symbols are the crescent moon, the bull, and a tripod (which may be a lamp-stand).The two chief seats of Sin’s worship were Ur in the south, and Harran to the north. The cult of Sin spread to other centres, at an early period, and temples to the moon-god are found in all the large cities of Babylonia and Assyria.

    He is commonly designated as En-zu = “lord of wisdom”. This attribute clings to him through all periods. During the period (c. 2600-2400 BC) that Ur exercised a large measure of supremacy over the Euphrates valley, Sin was naturally regarded as the head of the pantheon. It is to this period that we must trace such designations of Sin as “father of the gods”, “chief of the gods”, “creator of all things”, and the like. We are justified in supposing that the cult of the moon-god was brought into Babylonia by Semitic nomads from Arabia.

    The moon-god is par excellence the god of nomadic peoples. The moon being their guide and protector at night when, during a great part of the year, they undertake their wanderings. This is just as the sun-god is the chief god of an agricultural people. The cult once introduced would tend to persevere, and the development of astrological science culminating in a calendar and in a system of interpretation of the movements and occurrences in the starry heavens would be an important factor in maintaining the position of Sin in the pantheon.

    Sin’s chief sanctuary at Ur was named E-gish-shir-gal = “house of the great light”. His sanctuary at Harran was named E-khul-khul = “house of joys”. On seal-cylinders he is represented as an old man with flowing beard with the crescent as his symbol. In the astral-theological system he is represented by the number 30, and the planet Venus and his daughter by the number 15. This 30 probably refers to the average number of days (correctly around 29.53) in a lunar month as measured between successive new moons.

    The “wisdom” personified by the moon-god is likewise an expression of the science of astrology in which the observation of the moon’s phases is so important a factor. The tendency to centralize the powers of the universe leads to the establishment of the doctrine of a triad consisting of Sin, Shamash and Ishtar, personifying the moon and the sun and the earth as the life-force.

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