Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff GEERT WILDERS TRIAL


Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff and Geert Wilders 
Saturday, 02.10.2010

Both of these people know what it feels like to have the state hound them for pure political reasons alone, with part of the process including a court date with threats of a conviction, while the other part includes being smeared as racists and bigots by the multi-culti elite that demand complete adherence to their unpopular policies. 
One hails from the Netherlands and is a prominent politician, the other is from Austria and is a wife and mother, and the bonds that joins them together, is not just the fact that they face a rigged show trial with the rules being manipulated in order to ensure a conviction, but their love for liberty and freedom, and defense of individual rights which means defending free speech, from which all other rights derive. 
The Tundra Tabloids will be following the cases of both of these anti-Islamization activists, who in all honesty, represent a good cross section of European society. These lovers of freedom and liberty come from all walks of life, gender group and regions of Europe, and yet still, face the same exact kind of tyranny as the other. May they both succeed in experiencing the same good feeling that accompanies an acquittal. KGS

NOTE: Elisabeth sent this picture to the TT, and I just had to blog it.

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