

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon: If the 
Arabs are serious about peace, they better act like it
TThis is the point the Tundra Tabloids has been making over the last few months, that the Israelis are no longer  willing to accept the “accepted status quo” false narrative and dialogue to the key issues surrounding the Arabs’ conflict with Israel. A new strategy has been formulated within the halls of the Israeli MFA, Israel will drive it’s understanding of the key issues and not allow the old, false arguments the Arabs and their European (and the present US administration) apologists have been using for decades, to go unanswered without the application of the true facts. It’s about time. KGS
09/22/2010 00:52
Ayalon to ‘Post’: “What I say is that if the Palestinians are not willing to talk about two states for two peoples, let alone a Jewish state for Israel, then there’s nothing to talk about.”
NEW YORK — Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad angrily left a UN Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee meeting and canceled a scheduled subsequent press conference with Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon in New York on Tuesday, after Ayalon refused to approve a summary of the meeting which said “two states” but did not include the words “two states for two peoples.”
“What I say is that if the Palestinians are not willing to talk about two states for two peoples, let alone a Jewish state for Israel, then there’s nothing to talk about,” Ayalon told the Post in a telephone interview. “And also, I said if the Palestinians mean, at the end of the process, to have one Palestinian state and one bi-national state, this will not happen.”

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