Black racists Black Separatist movement US


Man this stinks. The Tundra Tabloids despises Obama and his policies as much as these trouble making riff raff, for different reasons of course, but the thought that he’s being called by those terms, the ‘N’-word and coon, and m*ther f*cker….and at a rally that was arranged by a NAACP official, is beyond the pale. 
There are some real crazies lurking from the cracks and drains in the streets of America, these people are the ones the FBI has to worry about, not the Tea Party movement. When the socialist utopia fails to materialize, because it can’t succeed, it’s an illusion, and because the overwhelming majority of Americans reject statism, these loons are going to turn violent.
Obama played to the agenda of these loons during his two year campaign to get into office, he and his minions alone bear responsibilty to leading America to the situation in which in now rests. Though these morons alone are responsible for whatever they do themselves, the Democrats, with their balkanizing politics, are to blame for giving rise to it.
This is a real frightening development. The US has to push back on the statist policies of the Left and the socialist RINO faux-Right, and to do so, is to anger the loons who think that they got their piece of the pie coming to them…free everything as well as reparpations for slavery etc.. They pose a major problem as do the Islamowhack jobs. Tough times are indeed ahead. KGS

Thanks to ZIP for posting this video.

He has more here.

3 Responses

  1. I'm not at all shocked, however the 'Reverend' Al Sharpton (or Sharkton) states that it is impossible for a black person to be racist.

  2. When the socialist utopia fails to materialize, because it can't succeed, it's an illusion, and because the overwhelming majority of Americans reject statism, these loons are going to turn violent.

    They couldn't think of a more orderly way of making Section 8 housing applications available? The event, reported in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, happened in East Point, apparently a city near Atlanta:

    Housing crisis reaches full boil in East Point; 62 injured

    Thirty thousand people turned out in East Point on Wednesday seeking applications for government-subsidized housing, and their confusion and frustration, combined with the summer heat, led to a chaotic mob scene that left 62 people injured.

  3. Yes and that's what the administration of our 'Dear Leader' would like lots of chaos so a police state and 'order' can be restored, it's another step toward Big Brother's New World Order, where we are dependent on the state for even our basic needs.

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