Finland Somalia


Yep, they’re being reunited, but unfortunately not in Somalia. The best thing for all sides here, is for the refugees find refuge in nations that better reflect their own value system. There’s also an added plus to their own pocket book, they don’t have far to fly when they go on vacation. KGS

YLE: Aamulehti: Somali families reunited in record numbers in Finland

Somali families were reunited in record numbers this year in Finland, writes Aamulehti. At the end of July, applications for family reunification from Somalia have come to almost 2 500, which is more than the entire total from last year.

Immigration Service will evaluate the applications this year, 4 500, more than double the amount compared to last year. Last year, two applications were received from 2 200

One reunification form is always handled by one person.

Somali families due to large number of children, reunification is constantly on the increase. Families have an average of five children.

Aliens Act on the basis of nuclear family consists of parents and minor children. Family size can not be restricted by law.

Immigration agency says it will be able to resolve the current resources available to the 1 200 applications a year. According to EU legal acts the applications should be resolved within nine months.

One Response

  1. We (not really me nor normal Finns, but our politics) are idiots, no doubt. Unfortunately my blog is still only in Finnish language, but maybe there's something, even the pictures or links, where you could get some real information about situation of my home country Finland.

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