

Folks, this Dem is running against retired LTC. Allen West, who is a strong supporter of Israel, understands what the jihad is all about, and believes in limited government and the constitution. Ron Klein fears for his seat in congress and now wants to assure his pro-Israel constituency -primarily Jewish voters- who are now feeling that they’ve been lied to (they have been) about a “pro-Israel Obama”, which he isn’t.
Allen West stands head & shoulders above Klein, and if the Tundra Tabloids is reading the political winds correctly, Klein and his party are going to get a royal drubbing in November elections. KGS
JPost: Barack Obama’s early missteps on Israel were not the result of “bad intentions,” but the product of a Mideast learning process any new US president experiences, Rep.
[TT: Nonsense, Obama’s surrounding himself with anti-Israel advisors and people placed into top posts, tells a different story.]
Ron Klein (D-Florida) said in an interview with The Jerusalem Post.
“There were some things early on that I think President Obama did, which either language- wise or in face-to-face dealing with Prime Minister [Binyamin] Netanyahu, was not done in a way that sent the right message, in terms of the true friendship the US and Israel have,” Klein said on Tuesday, shortly after he landed in Israel for a 48-hour visit along with six congressional colleagues.
[TT: Obama sent the message that both he and his advisors agree with ideologically, there is nothing he stated he didn’t agree with, he views Israel as part of the problem and the only one that can be squeezed into compliance.]
What “may have been a learning curve problem, or what may have been something that Obama just didn’t understand,” Klein said, was that any “space” between Israel and the US would be exploited by other countries.
Now, the congressman said, the president “gets it.”
[TT: No he doesn’t “get it”, he’s just going to try and be more clever in how he forces Israel into a deal, either by hook or crook. Klein is lying here.]
Klein’s comments are extremely instructive of the political climate in the US, three months ahead of November 2’s mid-term elections.
The staunchly pro-Israel, Jewish two-term congressman is in a very tight race with Allen West – a Republican Afro-American who’s also a retired US Army lieutenantcolonel and tea party movement supporter – at a time when Obama’s polling numbers continue to fall and incumbents are running scared all across the US.
[TT: Klein’s “staunch pro-Israel credentials” should be weighed against his willingness to lie to his constituency about an unchanged Obama who remains committed in doing what he sees fit, and Israel be damned. ]

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