NHS UK Dhimmis


This is the kind of tomfoolery the US can expect to see once their “Obama care” starts to kick in, that is if conservatives fail to repeal all or large portions of it come 2012. The very idea that a procedure, due to fear of Islamic sharia, that’s what is in question here, can be financed by the average British tax payer is beyond the pale for the majority of Brits, and it’s going to be interesting to see how the Tory government handles it.

But then again, this is the same Tory led government whose head, dhimmi-in-chief, David Cameron, bowed as dutifully towards Islam this past week in Turkey. So the UK political system is stuck, if not completely moribund, resembling the “three card monty” than ever before. In the UK, as well as elsewhere in Europe, it matters little who’s in power, the same old crap resurfaces to some degree regardless of which party currently holds the reigns. KGS

H/T: Gaia

Daily Mail: Increasing numbers of Muslim brides are having taxpayer-funded ‘virginity repair’ operations before marriage.

There were 116 hymen replacement operations carried out on the NHS between 2005 and 2009. The total for 2009 was 30, up 25 per cent from 24 in 2005.

The health service figures echo a trend reported by private clinics, which are seeing a huge surge in demand for the procedure from Muslim women paying up to £4,000.

One Harley Street clinic said that demand for its half-hour procedure had tripled in recent months.

Doctors say patients are under pressure from future husbands or relatives who insist that they should be virgins on their wedding night.

Critics, including moderate Muslim groups, have condemned the trend as a sign of the spread of Islamic fundamentalism in the West. 

During the hymenoplasty procedure – viewed by some as invasive and degrading – the hymen is stitched or reconstructed so that it will tear again and bleed on the woman’s wedding night.

In some cases, the vaginal lining can be used to create a false hymen. A blood capsule can then be inserted into the lining to ensure realistic blood flow when the membrane is broken.

Consultant gynaecologist Dr Magdy Hend performs hymenoplasty under local anaesthetic at his Regency Clinic on Harley Street. He charges £1,850 for the half-hour procedure and says that most of his clients are Muslim women.

2 Responses

  1. Buying a Heinz Tomato Ketchup tube and use that as virginity kit is a lot cheaper and available in every local grocery…

  2. what's the problem? had a temporary marriage lately. just sew her up again and sell her again.

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