EU Socialism


Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso:
Our socialism wasn’t supposed to lead to this!
Eh…yes stupid. Nanny state socialism does eventually lead to the breakdown of society, it’s just that the Greeks, Spanish and the Portuguese flung themselves further down into the pit than previously imagined. Europe is broke, and they don’t have the stupid Chinese to buy their worthless paper like the Yanks. KGS
“Foolish, frivolous spending by socialist governments on ever expanding and unaffordable entitlements that cannot be paid for has finally caught up with Europe; it will bring down more than one government there in the days ahead. It is a sober lesson for the U.S. Shame on EU governments that have made people think that the array of social benefits at public expense could be provided at no cost … the piper now wants to be paid, and it is quite a bill! European politicians seem surprised that their irresponsible actions are now unraveling.
People cannot obtain something for nothing as they have been told by politicians for so long. Unfortunately, the masses are now so used to feeding at the public trough that they are addicted to it … still unwilling to give up anything even when it is quite clear that such entitlements cannot be sustained. The truth is that self serving politicians have known that all along. The complete bankruptcy of their policies has come home to roost!”

Democracy could ‘collapse’ in Greece, Spain and Portugal unless urgent action is taken to tackle the debt crisis, the head of the European Commission has warned.
In an extraordinary briefing to trade union chiefs last week, Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso set out an ‘apocalyptic’ vision in which crisis-hit countries in southern Europe could fall victim to military coups or popular uprisings as interest rates soar and public services collapse because their governments run out of money.
The stark warning came as it emerged that EU chiefs have begun work on an emergency bailout package for Spain which is likely to run into hundreds of billions of pounds.

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One Response

  1. Hmm. Reminds me a bit of Kevin Rudd and his gang of four in Australia who have been throwing money around from the moment they got into power a few years ago.

    They blew the previous government's savings of 20 billion dollars in next to no time. Our deficit now is almost 60 billion dollars.

    Immediately he threw open the doors to illegal immigrants (whom it calls asylum seekers) based on a new compassionate policy that has led to a constant stream of boats organised by people smugglers from South Asia bringing Afghans and Sri Lankans etc., to our waters to be ïntercepted" (actually greeted and escorted) by naval patrol, vessels.

    The whole thing has turned into a nightmare for Rudd who suffers from the basic liability of never anticipating the consequences of his noble (sic) gestures.

    Like socialists everwhere, he and his gang just don't give a toss about how much they spend and waste of our money.

    Illegal immigrants – upon arrival -are immediately showered with all the benefits even (yes you had better believe it) four star hotel accommodation in Australian cities.

    By way of contrast we have Australians who can barely eke out a living (more like an existence) on a miserable pension and who can't pay their soaring electricity bills; homeless people with nowhere to sleep at night; severely disabled people and their carers whom the government tries to pretend don't exist. (I could go on and on in this vein.)

    Rudd was the white haired boy two years ago; now people have finely woken up to what this scam of a government is all about.

    To add insult to injury they even expelled an Israeli diplomat over the fake passport incident.

    The cat was let out of the bag when it was revealed by the Opposition party that we do it ouselves.

    What hypocisy!!

    Europe may be bad but now we too know what its like to be under the goverment of socalists who are clueless and rudderless. (Sorry for the pun.)

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