Anette Tretteberfstuen Gaza Flotilla NIJ Norway's anti-Israel Lobby


Anette Trettebergstuen: If you think I 
hated Israel before this, now I really hate Israel

NIJ Blog informs the Tundra Tabloids about the anti-Israel lobby in Norway, they are frothing at the mouth and just begging to break the legal Israeli blockade and help genocidal Hamas and al-Qaida and Iran. Anette Trettebergstuen is another loon from the (mainstream) far Left who loves totalitarians, whether they be Leftists or Islamonazis.

NOTE: Remember folks, this is given a wink and a nod from the far-Left regime that’s ruling Norway.

NIJ: Labor Parliamentarian Anette Trettebergstuen says she want to sail on the next ship to Gaza. See enclosed picture and translation. As you might recall Trettebergstuen is the founder of the “Friends of Palestine” group in Parliament, which is backed by government and completely outnumbers and outguns the smaller “Friends of Israel” group, which is backed by the opposition. It is remarkable how the same Norwegian journalists who are so keen to tell us about the power of the US Israel-Lobby refuse to acknowledge the existance of a Norwegian anti-Israeli-Lobby.
On one occasion Trettebergstuen read a post about herself on NIJ, which she promptly quoted and attributed to an unnamed “Israeli newspaper” in posts on Facebook and Twitter. When I pointed out her mistake in an e-mail she replied that she would not remove the erroneous posts, that she would not apologize, and that NIJ was “souring” the debate.
UPDATE: Kristin Halvorsen, Norway’s health minister and head of the Socialist Left party, called on Tuesday for the international community to boycott arms trade with Israel, in line with Norway’s existing policy. YNET
Kristin Halvorsen: I’m not going to be “Left” out either,
I hate the Israelis (read = Jews) as much as Anette Trettebergstuen
A Scandinavian strange cult

7 Responses

  1. Hi, please excuse us for being the last sovjet nation in Europe. The Norwegian Labour Party has turned from being a friend of Israel to be a enemy, and together with the communists and socialists in the party Socialistic Left they are leading this beautiful country into hazard. Just take a walk in Oslo City and you will find that more than 50% of the people you meet are not Norwegians.

    The socialists will now stop the boicott of Burma, and at the same time start a boicott of Israel.

    In Norway newspapers and TV are the most pro-palestine in Europe, and this has also deceived the Norwegian people to believe many the lies that has been repeated over and over again.

    But, there is still hope. For the next general election the problems that this gouvernment has created will no longer be possible to hide for the Norwegian people, and hopefully the anti-socialists will be able to kick the anti-semittic communists out of office.

    Once again, sorry Israel. I feel embarrassed when I read about those stupid young politicians.

  2. Thanks Blogmaster, I know that there are Norwegians who are not brain dead like teh Left…so please look at my jab with the Nor-Vegans quip between your fingers.

    It's really the Left I am pissed off about.

  3. Sorry for my bad English.

    The banner in the picture showing Education Minister Kristin Halvorsen says "The biggest axes of evil, USA and Israel"

    By the way, a recent poll in Norway showed that 34 % of the Norwegian people wants a boicott of Israel. 4 % of the Norwegian population are muslims, so among the ethnic Norwegians 30 % wants a boicott. 30 % are against a boicott, so there is a symmetry in the Norwegian people unlike the Norwegian press where 75 % of the journalists are "red".

    Denne videoen viser psykotiske jøde-massen feire massakren på fredsaktivister:
    I flere århundre ble Armageddon utsatt fordi ALLE statene i verden hadde forbud mot jøde-etablering.
    Jødisk galskap begynte å blomstre med sionistisk misdannelse “israhell”. Jøder er tilbøyelige til psykotiske tilstander, de burde aldri få lov til å samle seg i store svermer etter å ha fått i sine gudsutvalgte skaller en fascistisk ide:
    Jødemordere skjøt i hode for å drepe minst en såret fredsaktivist fra Tyrkia.
    Sionistisk misdannelse "israhell" har utlevert 9 lik av de 19 drepte.
    10 drepte og sårete ble druknet i dødehavet av jødebarbarer.
    Hør en RAPPER i London:

    lisense to kill:
    wake up:

    Hvis noen håper at det gjelder å sitte urørlig i en sprekk som en kakerlakk, så må en tro om.
    De fascizo-shizofrene jøder på alvor mener å ta deg med til helvete:

  5. As you can see the Norwegian socialists has accepted internet access also in the psychiatric hospitals. Sorry for that!

  6. Some folks in Norway have short memories or don't know their history. They were occupied by the German Nazi forces and were harshly treated. Perhaps a good number of Norwegians are caught up in the pandemic of the mental disorder of Liberalism.

  7. This is just a current trend in norway from our left wing radical groups such as SV and RV pushing AP with their agenda which is to condem israel now a days, i realy hope my goverment comes to their senses and supports Israel our country has alot of morons i am sorry on behalf of our population and polticians who dont know better then to support hamas and palestinian terrorism they are just ignorant and will one day realize that the only thing in the way of a palestinian state is hamas.
    I wish that fatah had managed to overthrow hamas and some peace would have atleast been obtained in that region.

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