

The following report was forwarded to the Tundra Tabloids from Norway, Israel and the Jews blog, about the award winning Palestinian Fakestinian journalist, Mohammed Omer, who presents multiple versions of how his peace-loving brother was killed by the IDF. But too many details are misleading and wrong, and the peace-loving brother is even identified as a Hamas “activist”. The NIJ blog’s source for the story is (“J”). KGS
 Mohammed Omer: Ok, ok..it was 20 Israeli missiles
fired from 5 Apache helicopters that offed my brother


Mohammed Omer is a well known journalist who has written more than a hundred articles in Morgenbladet since 2002. I November last year he also received Norway P.E.N’s Ozzietsky-award for outstanding work for the freedom of speech and was interviewed on Tabloid on TV2. There is now reason to suspect that Mohammed Omer has been manipulating and falsifying the story of his brother’s death at Israeli hands, in order to advance his political aspirations.
1: Mohammed Omer has provided no less than three different narrations of how his brother, Hussam (Omer) Al-Moghier/Mouhagir/Mughier/Mogayer (-3’E 9E1 ‘DE:J1) Hussam al-Mughier, was killed by Israelis on October 18th of 2003. The story was first brought to the Norwegian public in the Morgenbladet article “Drept i Gaza” (Killed in Gaza) of october 31st 2003)
http://www.morgenbladet.no/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20031031/UNKNOWN/310310333 . In the different narrations Hussam is either shot at home, on the street as he escapes from his home as it is bulldozed over him, or on the street on his way home from school. As for Mohammed Omer himself, he is sometimes an eyewitness to his brother’s death, sometimes not.
2: Mohammed Omer claims that his brother, Hussam al-Mughier, who was killed by the Israelis, was a peaceful boy. Yet Hussam al-Mughier is now identified as an activist attached both to Hamas and the al-Qassam brigades.
3: Mohammed Omer claims to have been tortured by the Shin Bet. Yet there is little to substantiate this claim.
1: Mohammed Omer’s multiple stories of his brother’s death

1a) “18 October 2003: Mohammad’s younger brother, Hussam [17 yrs old], was killed by the Israeli army today. Hussam was sitting at home when he was shot in the face, chest, back, legs. He had nothing to do with any violent or even political movement. Hussam’s crime is that he was a Palestinian.”
1b) “my brother … killed in cold blood, amidst international silence. He was in the house when the Israeli bulldozers and tanks attacked the area and invaded the houses of our neighbors. The street was completely different and the only choices were two: either to get demolished with the house and be killed under the rubble, or to get out of the house and get killed from the shelling and shooting that doesn t differentiate between child, old women or old man.
All are targeted … My brother Hussam, 17 years old, was a secondary school student. He was one of those people who chose not to get killed by demolishing with his body in the rubble of the house, so he went out of the house trying to find shelter or a safe area where he could go to. He went out of the house and immediately got killed by 7 evil bullets (from the bullets of those countries who support Israeli army against children.” Source:
1c) Norwegian:”Han hadde tatt den vanskelige beslutningen om enten å bli værende inne, og risikere at israelerne uten varsel ødelegger huset med bulldosere og granater, mens det er fullt av folk, eller å bli skutt av israelske soldater hvis han gikk ut. Han ble skutt og drept.” English: He had taken the difficult decision of either remaining inside, and risking that the Israelis without warning destroy the house with bulldozers and grenades, while it is full of people, or being shot by Israeli soldiers if he went out. He was shot and killed.
Furthermore Omer claims that he was present, or in the immediate vicinity of the event, but that he:Norwegian: “kunne bare stå og se på. Jeg hadde ingen mulighet til å bevege meg. Skuddene og granatene fløy rundt meg. Hadde jeg forsøkt å gjøre noe ville jeg garantert blitt skutt.” English: could only stand and watch. I had no possibility to move. Bullets and grenades were flying past me. Had I attempted to do anything I would surely have been shot .
1d) “Hussam was killed on his way from home to school at approximately 7 am.”
Kilde: http://www.rafahtoday.org/news/severalold/octobernews.htm   . This appears to be the final version, with the first version rejected with the following explanation: “When Mohammed first received the news of his brother’s murder, this is what he was told and he sent the webmaster an immediate email saying so. The details had not yet been known.”
This is the version Omer brings with him on his lectures, as in the USA in 2006, where “Omer told a chilling tale of how one of his brothers, Hussam, was killed recently by an Israeli sniper. He said that he was only 17 years of age and was going to school, at six in the morning.” Omer called him: “The most peaceful guy I have ever seen. He was not going to fight. He was not carrying a gun. What was worse, he was killed by seven bullets.”
When a 32-year-old neighbor, Wedad Al Ajrami, tried to evacuate his brother’s punctured, badly bleeding, body to the hospital, she was killed, too, by the deadly, cowardly Israeli sniper, who was shooting from high up in a watchtower. Her husband was also shot twice, when he arrived on the scene and attempted to help out. Mercifully, he survived the horrific ordeal.” (William Hughes’ varme omtale av foredraget finnes i sin helhet på http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=17345 )
According to NIJ’s information, this is also the version of the story which Omer presented upon receiving Norway’s P.E.N’s Ozzietsky award.
If one examines the events of the day more thoroughly, one rapidly finds several problems with Omer s multiple narrations of the same event. This holds true especially for the claim of Hussam being a man of peace, and not a militant:
*Haaretz quotes Palestinian witnesses on how the gunfire on October 18th started when six militant Hamas-members were placing demolitions against IDF positions. During the gunfire some of the explosives detonated. The three deceased were Tariq/Tareq Abu Hussein, Widad Jirami og Omers bror Hussam. Hussein was confirmed by Palestinian hospital sources and witnesses as a high-ranking Hamas-offices, which strengthens the alleged placing of explosives.
Jirami was killed when she according to Palestinian witnesses went to assist one of the wounded Palestinians and a grenade was fired from a armored vehicle. There is some disagreement among the Palestinian witnesses regarding whether Hussam participated in the placement of demolitions or if he, like Jirami, was attempting to assist the wounded militants. Sources at the hospital in Rafah state that regardless of this, Hussam was attached to Hamas militant branch. Source:
Kilde: http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/idf-kills-six-palestinians-in-territories-1.103118  (“After this clash, armed Palestinian men came to the scene and engaged troops in a firefight. Another Hamas operative, Hussam Mughier, was killed. IDF searches in the area uncovered three mortar shells”) and http://www.haaretz.com/news/palestinian-sources-top-hamas-militant-killed-in-gaza-fighting-1.103085  “The two other people killed were a woman, Widad Jirami, 28, and her brother-in-law Hussam Mughier, 26, who also has ties to the militant group.”)
*BBC mentions only the leader Tariq Abu Hussein by name, but quotes Palestinian hospital sources as follows: “One shell hit the bomb itself, killing a senior Hamas member, another militant and his sister-in-law who was apparently helping the wounded.” The relationship between Hussam and Jirami is confirmed on Omer s own website.
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3202842.stm  (“killing a senior Hamas member, another militant”)
*On the website of the Palestinian Authorities from October 03 the ages of Hussam and Tareq Abu Hussein have been interchanged(20 and 39), and the 39 year-old Hussam is additionally identified as the imam of the local mosque. This has however been corrected in the martyr-list. Hussam s age also varies in the local media, where he is reported to be 20, 22 and 26 years old. On the PA s martyrs-lists Hussam is reported to be the 2764th martyr of al-Aqsa, 20 years of age. Cause of death is reported as “Missile shrapnel in neck and abdomen”.
(from archive.org) og
*In photographs from the furneral taken by Khalil Hamra (AP) and Benedicte Kurzen (Baubau) (jeg beklager at jeg ikke har klart å spore det opp, men jeg antar det er lettere for dere) from October 18th Hussam is lauded as a fallen Hamas-militant.
But most importantly:
*On Hamas’ own web-site Hussam is today hailed as a martyr, with a very exhaustive biography which confirms Hussam s participation, as an armed activist, in the placement of demolitions and ensuing battle with Israeli forces, as well as it confirms the relationship to Mohammed Omer (who even is quoted) and their brother Issam, who was hurt in September, and on how his mother was very aware of how he was active in the al-Qassam brigades.
An anonymous editor at Rafah Today has, in retrospect, claimed that the three different versions of Hussam s dearth were caused by the chaos of the immediate aftermath of his death, yet the different stories are still presented with Omer presenting one story of how an innocent Hussam is killed in his home, another story of how an innocent Hussam is killed while escaping from a house being pulled down upon his head, and a third story of how Hussam is killed while walking to school on a Saturday morning, shot with seven bullets by a blood-thirsty IDF sniper. Beyond Hussam s innocence the different narratioins have one important aspect in common all of them are at odds with the statements of Palestinian witnesses, Palestinian health workers, Palestinian Authorities, and Hamas.
Omer continues to tell of how his brother was killed by the IDF, and Rafah Today still claims that Hussam was killed on his way from home to school at approximately 7 am.” For years after the event Omer continued to describe his brother Hussam as a person “had nothing to do with any violent or even political movement. Hussam’s crime is that he was a Palestinian.” Furthermore that he was “(t)he most peaceful guy I have ever seen. He was not going to fight. He was not carrying a gun.” Meanwhile Hamas recognizes and lauds Hussam as an al-Qassam militant who fulfilled his dream of martyrhood .
We now know more of the events on October 18th 2003. We now know that Mohammed Omer, the award-winning journalist, has provided false and misleading information. We can no longer take it for granted that he has not done so intentionally. We know that several sources list his brother, not as a man of peace, but as a Hamas-activist. We also know that when editor of Morgenbladet Tove Gravdal was confronted with the information above, she replied with the following curt e-mail: We have no reason to believe that Mohammed Omer lies about his personal story, his informations have been confirmed from several sources. Best regards Tove Gravdal (“Vi har ingen grunn til å tro at Mohammed Omer lyver om sin personlige historie, hans opplysninger er bekreftet fra flere hold. Mvh Tove Gravdal)

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