Obama-Gate Rep.Joe Sestak


For those Tundra Tabloid readers who are not familiar with the Rep.Joe Sestak case, it involves the White House offering him a job to drop out of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary, in order for the now defeated incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter to run unapposed. Sestak made it a part of his campaign to tell of how he turned down a White House offer in order to run for the Senate. It is a crime under US law for someone to be offered anything of value in obtaining political appointment: 
“Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code, Section 211, which covers “bribery, graft, and conflicts of interest. The statute imposes a fine and/or possible imprisonment on anyone who “solicits or receives … any money or thing of value in consideration of the promise of support or use of influence in obtaining for any person any appointive office or place under the United States.”

From the comments to the video: The White House announced today that the White House investigation into wrongdoing in the White House has uncovered no evidence of White House wrongdoing.

IN OTHER NEWS: OJ Simpson announced today his intensive investigation into the murder of his wife has uncovered no evidence that he did it.

Charles Manson announced today that he had nothing to do with the Tate/La Bianca murders.

2 Responses

  1. That's hogwash! It stinks all the way up to Obama! Of course he knew. He prides himself on knowing everything (according to his statements to the press.

  2. I agree with you 100% Sheila, regadless of whether it was even a paying or non paying job, the man was being bribed to forsake his bid for the Senate and induced to take a high ranking government position.

    This is Obama's version of Watergate.

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