Incitement Islamic anti-Semitism Paleostinians PMW


“Jews are the enemies of Allah and humanity”
“The Prophet says: ‘Kill the Jews'”
“Even if donkeys would cease to bray,
dogs cease to bark, wolves cease to howl and snakes to bite,
the Jews would not cease to harbor hatred towards Muslims.”

UPDATE: A close colleague sends the following observation:
“I can underline that Palestinian culture is permeated with calls for murders. This is a crime permeated culture and it cannot be stressed enough that those who ignore it, while they support the Palestinians are not only humanitarian racists. The more they support the Palestinians the more they are accomplices in the crime.”

NOTE: Al Avai observes: “Apparently that’s their “negotiating position”

Palestine Media Watch sends this alert about more inciteful sermons being given from the mosques within the PA. All this comes right on the heels of the fake president of the PA, Mahmoud (holocaust trivilizer/denier) Abbas’s denial that such incitement exists. It just so happens that YouTube deleted the video originally posted at Jihad Watch, of the PA mosque which issued incitement to kill Jews, so the ever watchful Sheikh Yer’ Mami provides another YouTube video of something very similar: Saudi cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi:


Also: Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub: “The Jews are the Enemies of Muslims Regardless of the Occupation of Palestine; ‘Believe That We Will Fight, Defeat, and Annihilate Them, Until Not a Single Jew Remains on the Face of the Earth’” MEMRI

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

A sermon calling for the genocide of Jews was broadcast Friday by PA TV, which is under the control of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. The speech called the Jews the enemies of God and humanity, and compared Jews to Nazis.
In a recent interview with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Abbas proudly declared that there is no more incitement in the mosques:

“They [Israel] said there is a problem with incitement in speeches in mosques during Friday prayers. Today there is no more incitement at any mosque,” he  [Abbas] said.”
[Haaretz, Dec. 16, 2009]

The following is the transcript of excerpts of the hate speech in a mosque broadcast on PA TV:

“The loathsome occupation in Palestine – its land and its holy places – by these new Mongols and what they are perpetrating upon this holy, blessed and pure land – killing, assassination, destruction, confiscation, Judaization, harassment and splitting the homeland – are clear proof of [unintelligible word – Ed.] hostility, of incomparable racism, and of Nazism of the 20th century.
The Jews, the enemies of Allah and of His Messenger, the enemies of Allah and of His Messenger! Enemies of humanity in general, and of Palestinians in particular – they wage war against us using all kinds of crimes, and as you see – even the mosques are not spared their racism…
“Oh Muslims! The Jews are the Jews. The Jews are the Jews. Even if donkeys would cease to bray, dogs cease to bark, wolves cease to howl and snakes to bite, the Jews would not cease to harbor hatred towards Muslims. The Prophet said that if two Jews would be alone with a Muslim, they would think only of killing him. Oh Muslims! This land will be liberated, these holy places and these mosques will be liberated, only by means of a return to the Quran and when all Muslims will be willing to be Jihad Fighters for the sake of Allah and for the sake of supporting Palestine, the Palestinian people, the Palestinian land, and the holy places in Palestine. The Prophet says:
‘You shall fight the Jews and kill them, until the tree and the stone will speak and say: ‘Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah’ – the tree and the stone will not say, ‘Oh Arab,’ they will say, ‘Oh Muslim’. And they will not say, ‘Where are the millions?’ and will not say, ‘Where is the Arab nation?’ Rather, they will say, ‘Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah – there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’ Except for the Gharqad tree [tree mentioned in the Quran – Ed.], which is the tree of the Jews. Thus, this land will be liberated only by means of Jihad…”
[PA TV (Fatah), Jan. 29, 2010]

One Response

  1. this is out fortune ! If the islamics would be nice and peaceful, we had to make concession. This would be our end.

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