Atlas Shrugs Jihadis ROP


This is the first time the Tundra Tabloids has heard about the death threat against the ROP website, and the TT extends its bests wishes their way, their website and the work they do is priceless. Here is what Atlas has to say about it.
Pamela at Atlas: The Religion of Peace is the singular website devoted to the tedious and unending documentation of war crimes and violence committed in the service of Islamic jihad. These intrepid bloggers are now under a fatwa. Many you know the indispensable work of The religion of Others may not visit, but see their counter everywhere around the sphere. I have had the TROP counter on my site since I first started blogging.”
Here is what World Net Daily has to say:
Website documenting Islamic hate faces death threats Muslims send photo of headless body: ‘We will kill you. Like this’ Editor’s Note: The following contains references to graphic violence and images:
A recent e-mail to a website launched after the 9/11 terror attacks to document the instances of Islamic violence said simply: “We will kill you. Like this … ”
The message included a photograph of a man who had been beheaded, his body resting chest down on grass and his lifeless head placed in the middle of his own back. Another photograph showed a bloody knife.
But the operator of The Religion of Peace website says those types of threats don’t bother him much.
“I don’t think anyone who is serious about killing me is going to announce it in advance,” the operator, who uses the pseudonym Glen Reinsford, told WND. “Still, one more reason to stay anonymous.”
Reinsford’s website intends to demonstrate extreme violence is an integral part of fundamental Islam, not merely a means by which only radicals try to achieve “out-of-the-mainstream goals.”
The site features a significant statistic: “Islamic Terrorists Have Carried Out more than 14,569 Deadly Terror Attacks since 9/11.”
It also keeps readers updated on other statistics. For the week of Dec. 12-18, there were 42 jihad attacks, 182 people killed and 362 people critically injured. For the month of November, there were 139 attacks in 14 different nations involving five religions, with 529 fatalities and 1,075 critically injured.
The list is divided by years. Its many stark descriptions include a report from Nov. 24 in Afghanistan: “Four children are blown to bits when Islamic fundamentalists set off a roadside bomb next to a family vehicle.”
Reinsford explained in his “About” page, his alarm came about because of the integration of Islam and violence, typified by the 9/11 attacks that killed almost 3,000 innocent bystanders.
“In fact, some Muslims actually celebrated the attacks, and not just overseas, but even in the offices of the U.S. State Department,” he wrote. “There were a few passionless, self-serving denunciations, to be sure, but Muslims save their real outrage for times when a Western leader makes a public statement against veils and headscarves, or someone draws a Muhammad cartoon.
“By and large, most could hardly care less about the thousands of people who lose their lives in the name of this religion each year. It was not for three years, in fact, that there was even a fatwa issued against these attacks. To this day, major Muslim-American groups are reluctant to denounce Osama Bin Laden by name,” he said.
Islam, he noted, has been called a “religion of peace” by many, including President George W. Bush, who said, “The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam … Islam is peace.”
But Reinsford believes Islam inspires not only “an enormous amount of violence, but an astonishing level of indifference and self-centeredness as well.”
“We watched in the months following 9/11, as Muslim-American groups began to act as hindrances in the war on terror and the efforts of Americans to defend themselves. We saw them ignore nearly every act of daily Islamic terror and instead publicize obscure issues and personal slights against Muslims and ‘insults to Islam’ that are absolutely trivial by comparison.
“Finally, we came to realize that this extraordinary arrogance and self-absorption on the part of the Muslim community, along with an inability to empathize with people who are not like them or engage in the sort of self-critique that leads to moral progress is in no way incidental to the religion.
“There is something deeply, deeply wrong with Islam,” Reinsford wrote
He said the site originally was begun “in the naïve hope” that Muslims just didn’t realize the extent of the violence done in the name of Islam.
“Perhaps,” he wrote, “if they understood, then they might be motivated to turn the critical eye inward and resolve those far more important issues that leave so many lives in agony and force the consumption of so many billions of dollars in security resources.”
However, “we never once heard” from a Muslim condemning the violence.
So the mission was refined to “present the truth about Islam and how it is so tragically different from other religions, including its incompatibility with secularism and Western liberal values,” he said.
“The ridiculous level of violence committed in the name of this religion is staggering, despite the many billions of dollars that are spent each year to prevent attacks,” he said. “Muslim apologists are constantly telling Westerners that the solution to the violence is greater understanding and tolerance for Islam. But isn’t it the killers and their supporters who need lessons in tolerance and understanding … not their victims?”

Read the rest here.

3 Responses

  1. I've gotten several death threats too at my website Bare Naked Islam. I always forward them to the FBI and tell the sender that the FBI now has a file on them. That usually stops it.

  2. Sound like the right thing to do BNI, if the TT ever gets death threats I plan to forward to the police and do everything legal I can as I will need to prove I did that when they arrest me for protecting myself.

  3. Good idea, KGS. Take down this link and use it to file any threats you get. It's a very good service and wise to use in addition to FBI and police reports. It's the Internet Crime Complaint Center which works in conjunction with the FBI.

    Hope you never need it though.

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