Boycott NTNU


The Tundra Tabloids just received notice that the NTNU board rejected the boycott of Israeli academia unanimously.

Too bad they went through the motions in the first place. What they need to do now is to cancel the anti-Israel seminar, where the likes of, Ilan Pappe and Stephen Walt, are speaking on the Arab’s conflict with Israel as if they had an ounce of credibility on the subject. KGS

UPDATE: Here is the official statement of the American Jewish Comittee :

Professor Bjørn Kåre Alsberg
(“a person of integrity and honor”. )

AJC Hails Norwegian University’s Rejection of Boycott

New York – November 12, 2009 – AJC welcomed the decision of the Board of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to unanimously reject a proposed academic boycott of Israel.
“This is a victory for academic freedom and a decisive blow to the hateful politics underlying the campaign to boycott Israel,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. “The NTNU has wisely acted in its own self-interest. Had the boycott proposal been passed, the university would have gained international notoriety for adopting a policy of discrimination.”
The boycott proposal drew a firestorm of condemnation, particularly from the academic world. Among those condemning the boycott were the American Association of University Professors and the Russell Group, a body which gathers the top universities of the United Kingdom.
“Most important of all was the opposition of principled academics in the NTNU itself,” said Harris. “In particular, we pay tribute to Professor Bjorn Alsberg for mobilizing more than 100 of his colleagues in a petition to counter the boycott proposal. His example serves as a beacon of hope for those academics in other universities around the world facing similar calls to exclude their Israeli colleagues from academic life.”

One Response

  1. Thank you for everything you did to keep us abreast of this disturbing effort by anti-Semites in Norway. I'd also like to thank you for everything you did to encourage people in Scandinavia to oppose this awful boycott movement.

    Fortunately, in spite of what elite leftists in Norway say and do, Israel's exports of goods and services to that country continue to grow (in real terms) every year. The people of Norway do not have a problem with buying Israeli goods and services; only the elite leftists do.

    Too bad the mainstream media slobbers over the efforts of elite leftists.

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