

Moody: We didn’t throw any shoes at you Hussein,
that’s progess enough right?
Former IAEA chief:
There are clowns everywhere you look. The present day situation concerning Iran’s nuke bomb program is intollerable, with clowns uttering more ridiculous statesments after another, while Tehran plods along building its nukes without the slightest worry from Washington, Brussels or NATO. KGS
We are now even further from eliminating Tehran’s threat.

OPINION OCTOBER 4, 2009, 10:56 P.M. ET

The most widely touted outcome of last week’s Geneva talks with Iran was the “agreement in principle” to send approximately one nuclear-weapon’s worth of Iran’s low enriched uranium (LEU) to Russia for enrichment to 19.75% and fabrication into fuel rods for Tehran’s research reactor. President Barack Obama says the deal represents progress, a significant confidence-building measure.
In fact, the agreement constitutes another in the long string of Iranian negotiating victories over the West. Any momentum toward stricter sanctions has been dissipated, and Iran’s fraudulent, repressive regime again hobnobs with the U.N. Security Council’s permanent members. Consider the following problems:
• Is there a deal or isn’t there? Diplomacy’s three slipperiest words are “agreement in principle.” Iran’s Ambassador to Britain exclaimed after the talks in Geneva, “No, no!” when asked if his country had agreed to ship LEU to Russia; it had “not been discussed yet.” An unnamed Iranian official said that the Geneva deal “is just based on principles. We have not agreed on any amount or any numbers.” Bargaining over the deal’s specifics could stretch out indefinitely.
Other issues include whether Iran will have “observers” at Russian enrichment facilities. If so, what new technologies might those observers glean? And, since Tehran’s reactor is purportedly for medical purposes, will Mr. Obama deny what Iran pretends to need to refuel it in 2010?

via John Bolton: Iran’s Big Victory in Geneva – WSJ.com.

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