Hamas Sky News Tim Marshall

More on the Hamas "Tots For Terrorists" Brouhaha…….

Getting it all wrong?

The journalist holds the keys to this story

The blogger, Esther, from the Islam in Europe blog, notified the Tundra Tabloids that Sky News journalist, Tim Marshall has given the TT an honorable mention. Fair enough, the Tundra Tabloids pulled the story it posted concerning the video that showed Hamas members marching hand in hand with little girls on the way to being married, due to the efforts of the journalist in question who emphasized that the blogosphere had gotten it all wrong.

There are still a few questions lingering about the whole affair concerning what Sky News’ Tim Marshall has said in his defense, and what has not been made available. Thus far, we have been expected to just take Marshall’s words for granted that he is honestly relaying the whole truth about what took place.

The TT has no problem with that, but it would be great to see actual pictures, or video, of the Hamas men with their wives after the marriage ceremony in order to see WHO THEY WERE. It’s not asking much to view verifiable evidence to put this story to rest once and for all. I believe that MArshall’s rush to cry “Islamophobia” was ill advised, seeing that Islamic sanctioned pedophilia is indeed a reality. An anonymous commenter points out to the TT that:

“In spite of the denials, I tend to agree that the little girls are the brides. Such marriages are quite frequent within Islam, especially in more fanatical branches where the girls are married off early to avoid the headaches of constantly protecting their virginity or allowing them to grow up and possibly to have independent thoughts and ideas. This book carries one such photo of a little “Palestinian” girl from the early 1900s, all decked out for marriage. See here lower left side:

This is the more extreme “tradition” of course, and in some Islamic nations, such as Afghanistan, they dress up little boys identically to the little girls shown in that video, subjecting them to the similar barbaric child-rape. Review the film “Osama” (not about OBL) for a reality-check. If the Islam-apologists wants to make a point about it, all they have to do is to produce a photo of all those “older brides” in the bleachers or wherever else they might have been. Shouldn’t be too difficult to come up with one photo of 450 brides.

It’s without question that Islam sanctions under age marriages with pre-pubescent girls, something of which Marshall admits: “It’s as is they really beleive that because there are examples of child brides, it means all weddings are with child brides.”

As far as I could tell from the TT’s own comment box, and from the comments on blogs Marshall mentions, no one is claiming that all Islamic marriages are arranged in the same like fashion, but that it’s indeed a practice that takes place with regularity. Like I told Esther in a recent email:

The problem here is that we are all assuming….even the journie in question, from either perspective. Before I can give it a go once more…I have to be sure that it was indeed as we initially thought, that the tots were indeed marching off to their institutionalized rape.

What also angers me is that Marshall first brings the issue up, then produces nothing to back up what he says…then leaves us (the blogosphere) filling in the blanks…then raking us over the coals for ‘getting it all wrong’. It’s a small thing for me to pull the story, the bigger issue is the journalist in question not willing to produce any evidence to back up his version of the story, as well as throwing out the charge of Islamophobia.”

I believe that Marshall is wrong to conclude that we in the blogosphere do not know enough about Islamic culture, if there is anyone in the West who has been immersed in the ways of the culture that drives the ME, it’s many of us who blog about the subject on a daily basis. I pose the following question to Tim Marshall:

Why would you think that Hamas members, who are fanatical followers of their prophet Mohamed, who sanctioned marriage to pre-pubescent girls by his marriage to the 9 year-old Aisha, would not follow the prophet to the letter in this respect?

Though the blogosphere may be wrong in its assumption over the Hamas marriage video, Marshall is equally wrong for not providing any evidence to help back up his version of what took place, as well as depicting us who followed the story, as somehow wanting to make things up due to our ….Islamophobia. In the end, Marshall helps to cut off his own legs by not providing the reader, even after the fact, a scintilla of evidence that proves us all wrong.

Tim Marshall:Perhaps I was making up the fact that the brides were elsewhere. It’s possible. But who would you believe, the reporter who went to the event, or a desperately poor version of citizen journalist, sitting at home, making things up, not checking anything, and either unknowingly or deliberately, writing hysterical anti Islamic nonsense.”

There are many of us Tim, who wonder why would you label what we wrote as, hysterical anti Islamic nonsense, though such Islamic activity is part of the historical record? Why would you be willing to give genocidal maniacs the benefit of the doubt? KGS

NOTE: “Being there” does not automatically prove the validity of the account, as the BLOGOSPHERE has proven time and again by holding the MSM’s feet to the flame as they have been caught with their pants down repeating Palestinian/Arab propaganda as fact. The Lebanon/Israel war in 2006 was a good example of this.

So a bit less arrogance from the MSM would be a welcome step in the right direction.

UPDATE: Read more about it here! Marshall never saw the adult brides!

7 Responses

  1. There is a tendency in the blogosphere to jump quickly to stories that turn out to be untrue. In that case, the right way to correct the mistake is to admit your fault. This is the way blogosphere should work. This is the way you did as well.

    Tim Marshall is an experienced journalist and Sky News is a very good news channel by European standards. And the Brits don't have to pay telly tax for it.

    Marshall's arrogance and disdain towards right-wing blogosphere comes naturally from someone earning his living in journalism.

  2. Congratulation,

    now you are the source that there were been a mass phaedophilia ceremony in Gaza around the right wing blogs in Germany.

    The mustersource. Because they think, that you are from Israel.

    "bestätigen Informationsquellen aus Israel, die Hamas-Bräutigame seien mit Kindern vermählt worden."

    So what. A lie is running around the world, untill the truth is looking for their shoes. You are a parth of the marching committee.


  3. I am one of the many bloggers who received that message from Tim of Sky News. I emailed him twice asking for some verification in the form of photos or videos but never received a reply. So I decided to let the story stand as is. Also, al-Jazeera posted a different video of the wedding but there, too, no sign of age-appropriate brides, only the little girls.

    The AJ video is here if you haven't seen it.

  4. Thanks BNI, I updated using your info. Marshall is the only one that can really put this thing to rest by providing ample evidence, not just his words.

    Calling us a bunch of Islamophobes is not the way he should be conducting business, but by providing actual proof…claiming that we are jumping the gun, after all we know about Islam…while it appears he is just taking the word of Hamas terrorists as to what he was viewing…as the truth…is very telling indeed.

  5. I agree, KGS, but as Debbie Schlussel said, he's probably an Hamas mouthpiece or else he wouldn't be able to work in Gaza.

  6. I hear what your saying BNI, I feel however that this guy is not so much a Hamas mouthpiece, as he is a journo that forgot to cross his t's and dot his i's.

    One source of mine who belongs to one of the main pro-Israel media watch organizations said we need to pick our battles more carefully, this guy is not anti-israel.

    That said, he is very much ignorant of Islam and its culture as this farse has proven, and therefore deserves to have his feet held to the fire.


  7. Just stumbled upon this story. Sorry but Marshall's take sounds very suspect.

    Either way, it's obscene to parade around underage girls dressed up as brides. Just too bizarre, especially when there are no photos of the adult brides.

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