Criminality Immigration multiculturalism Political Correctness UK

UK: Every Fifth Murder in Britain Done by an Immigrant…….

The UK is a wonderful
place to commit crimes

Marek Harcar:
We criminals are crying for help

And the Leftist Narrative (Political Correctness) is that the crimes these immigrants are commiting, are just “cries for help“. Society is to blame for their woes, which leads to criminal activity. Nonsense. KGS

Up to a fifth of killers in England and Wales are foreign, police figures suggest. Out of 371 individuals accused or convicted of murder or manslaughter last year, 79 were from abroad – more than 21 per cent.

Foreign immigrants make up only around a tenth of the UK population, meaning they are statistically twice as likely as native Britons to be charged with or found guilty of an illegal killing.

In London, almost 40 per cent of those in such cases in the past year were from overseas, or of unknown origin.

Opposition critics said the findings reflected the Government’s failure to deport foreign criminals, and the ease with which offenders from abroad can slip through border controls.
The most common nationality for foreigners involved in murder and manslaughter cases was Polish, followed by Nepalese, Lithuanian, Somalian and Sri Lankan.

Around half the police forces across England and Wales provided data under the Freedom of Information Act, revealing strong regional differences.

The highest figures were in London where in the year to April 2009, 93 of the 233 people accused or convicted of murder and manslaughter were either non-British or from unknown backgrounds.

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