
Norway: Historians to Investigate Norway’s Role in Death Camp in Beisfjord During WW II…….

Imaginary claims against Israelis are to be believed
but real evidence against Norwegians ..not
Scene of brutal murders of Serbs by Norwegian Nazis
Apparently Norwegian newspapers are very keen about the anonymous and partly hearsay accusations against Israeli soldiers made by Breaking the Silence, of which NGO Monitor has shown the methodological flaws. In the meantime there are new indications of major atrocities against Serb political prisoners in a Norwegian camp where Norwegians helped the Germans during the Second World war.
The largest massacre on Norwegian soil will be to light. 748 of 900 Yugoslav prisoners of war lived only four months in Beisfjord. Norwgians role in the detention camp will now be examined.
There are historians from the North Norwegian Peace and War Memorial Museum in Narvik that now addresses the extermination camps in northern Norway during the war. Institutions will collaborate with other historians about this grim chapter in Norwegian history.
The night of 18, July 1942, 288 prisoners were shot or burned to death in Beisfjord concentration camp at Narvik. The massacre occurred following the direct orders from Josef Reichskommissar Terboven, who visited Narvik few days earlier.
Sad story
Researchers will now investigate the role Norwegians had in the German extermination camp. The camps grim history is largely unknown. Efforts to establish a memorial where the ill deeds occured. Young people from Yugoslavia, Germany and Norway are now trying to gain more knowledge about who really were the war prisoners.
The camps other victims, the majority were Yugoslav men between the ages of 14 and 22 years, died of inhuman treatment and Leiren other victims, the majority of Yugoslav men between 14 and 22 years, died of inhuman treatment and lack of food.
Prisoners were used to build roads and barracks.
E6 over Saltfjell in Nordland is such a “blood road” with a dramatic history. The Beisfjord concentration camp included Norwegian hirdmenn guards. In retrospect, little has been done for the story and the Norwegians’ role should be known. . Prisoners were used to build roads and barracks.”
(288 were executed over night, in batches of 20)

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