Obama Administration TINSC

Lib Media: Hail To The Chief…….

They don’t even pretend anymore

NBC’s Brian Williams bows to O-bow-ma

TINSC:Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over; expecting a different result”. That’s the LIB media in a nutshell and they’re going broke because nobody believes them anymore.”

The LIB media is in the tank for this president, how much they are misrepresenting his policies is yet to be decided. The Tundra Tabloids looks rather to his long list of advisors and appointments to help decipher what this president is all about, as well as his actions and what he says.
That said, in the spirit of fairness, I’ll include the entire comment I cherry picked from the TT’s dear friend and colleague TINSC, concerning Obama, the media and Israel. We may not see eye-to-eye on everything, but we do however respect the right to have differences of opinions and to hold different views. KGS

President O’Bama will be with us until 2013. Get used to it!

Don’t have a cow over every news media story. The LIB news media hates Israel and they will take every statement President O’Bama makes out of context to say: “President O’Bama wants to destroy Israel just like we’ve wanted to all along.”

Israel exists. The Jewish people are empowered with nationhood and a competent armed force. There’s only so much even the most anti-Semitic President can do about that.

President George H.W. Bush put his best friend in charge of the State Department. In a cabinet meeting, this best friend, James Baker uttered the words: “F*ck the Jews! They didn’t vote for us.”

18 years later, Israel still lives.

Now we have a LIB media mis-representing the President of the United States policy on Israel. The LIB media’s agenda is to incite hatred for Jews. Yet their is resistance from the general public. And just in case you hadn’t noticed, newspapers in America are going broke; news media outlets are financially stressed. Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over; expecting a different result”. That’s the LIB media in a nutshell and they’re going broke because nobody believes them anymore.

So don’t have a cow over this stuff. Once President O’Bama actually puts his foot in his mouth about Israel, he’ll be brought down as fast as Papa Bush was when he made his “thousand lobby-ists” remark.

My advice is to be patient and don’t get hysterical. I think President O’Bama is destined to learn things the HARD way, but he’s a bright guy so my hope is that will indeed LEARN.

You and I know that the more President O’Bama sucks up to Iranian Shiites and Wahhabi Muslims, the more he will get slapped down for not being Muslim ENOUGH. The only question is whether President O’Bama will adopt “battered wife syndrome” in response (as Presidents Bush and Carter did) or whether he’ll suck it up fight back.

We don’t know the answer to that right now. I’m just sitting back to see how this all plays out.

In the mean time, Barack O’Bama will be America’s President until 2013 so we’ll just have to figure out how we’re going to cope with that.

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