activist journalism Gaza Helsingin Sanomat Jukka Huusko Operation Cast Lead

Helsingin Sanomat’s Middle East News: Israel Bad, Hamas Good…….

Shock & Surprise
The Helsingin Sanomat hearts Hamas once more

For this Finnish psychologist & apologist for Arab extremism
everything is the Jooooish state’s fault

Psychologist/crisis therapist Päivi Muma:
“Hamas doesn’t trouble us in the least, only Israel”

What is one to expect from Helsinki’s largest newspaper, the Helsinki sanomat, other than the same old predictable anti-Israel dreck they print day in and day out. HS ‘ace’ reporter, Jukka Huusko is at it again in today’s edition of the Helsinki paper. In an interview with Finnish crisis therapist, Päivi Muma, currently working in the Gaza Strip under the auspices of Finnish Church Aid, Jukka Huusko allows one factually challenged allegation after another to go unchallenged.

Muma, who’s in Gaza to formulate a program to help deal with the psychological problems of children that may have arisen due to the Gaza war, is another classic example of an ignorant outsider being used for propaganda purposes by the Palestinians as well as by her Finnish activist journalist interviewer. No wonder Hamas hasn’t hindered her work.

Note: The title should read: Hamas rule has left deep scars in children

Gazan sota jätti lapsiin syvät arvet/

The Gaza war left deep scars in children

(subscription only)

“Sairaalatarvikkeiden ja ruoan toimitukset takkuilevat. Avustustyöntekijöillä on vaikeuksia päästä Israelin ja Egyptin puolelta Gazaan, koska lupien saaminen on kiven alla. […]

Lupien saaminen on kiinni lähinnä Israelin byrokratiasta. Muma kertoo joutuneensa odottamaan Israelissa viisi viikkoa, ennen kuin sai työskentelyluvan Gazaan puoleksi vuodeksi.

Gazaa hallitseva ääri-islamilainen Hamas-järjestö ei hänen mukaansa ole vaikuttanut ulkomaisten avustusjärjestöjen työskentelyyn millään tavoin.

Translation: Hospital supplies and distribution of food are snarled. Aid workers have difficulties getting from Israel and egypt into Gaza, because getting a permmision is difficult. […]

Getting permission depends solely upon Israeli bureaucracy. Muma states that she had to wait five weeks in Israel before she could get permission to work in Gaza for half a year.

The ruling islamic extremist Hamas organization of Gaza has not, according to her, hindered foreign aid organizations operations in any way”

[Laura Booth, the sister-in-law to Britain’s former PM, Tony Blair, is pictured starving to death in the Gaza Strip concentration camp last year, with the man on her left about to eat his cell phone in a fit of last minute desperation.]

Hamas is solely to blame for any shortages that might occur, due to its destructive policies that are aimed at bolstering its own position at the expense of the well being of the local population. Their hamstering of much of the needed medical supplies and fuel for itself, has been documented as was the case during Operation Cast Lead.

They were (Hamas and other thugs)even firing upon UN aid/supplies trucks making its way into the Strip during the war, due to wanting to steal the supplies that was intended for needy Arabs. But that’s not important enough for Huusko to relay to his Finnish readership, because that would put Hamas and the rest of the genocidal Islam-O-Nazis in too much of a bad light.

Päivi Muma: “Kotia ei enää koeta turvalliseksi, koska niitä pommitettiin. Koulua ei koeta turvalliseksi, eikä edes moskeijoita”, Muma luettelee. […]

Terapian välineinä on käytetty muun muassa keskusteluja ja leikkejä, joissa käsitellään sotamuistoja. Lapset ovat myös piirtäneet sotakokemuksistaan ja -mielikuvistaan piirustuksia, joista kasattiin gazalaiseen kouluun taidenäyttely. […]

Henkisten ongelmien lisäksi gazalaiset kärsivät aineellisesta puutteesta. Gazassa on jatkuva pula perustarvikkeista kuten ruoasta, vedestä, lääkkeistä, hygieniatarvikkeista ja bensiinistä.

Tuhansia ihmisiä asuu edelleen sodan jäljiltä teltoissa. Pommituksissa tuhoutui yli 5 000 taloa, mutta jälleenrakennusta ei ole voitu aloittaa, koska Israel on kieltänyt rakennusaineiden maahantuonnin.

Translation: Home is no longer looked as being safe because they have been bombed. Schools are deemed safe, mosques not deemed safe she adds.

Means of therapy being used are among other things, discussion and games which handle war memories. Children have drawn on paper their war experiences and imaginations which were gathered for an exhibition at a Gaza school.

In addition to mental problems there is a lack in material needs, there is a continual lack of food, water, medicine, hygenial products and fuel.

Thousands of people are still living in tents after the war. Over 5000 homes were destroyed in the bombings, but reconstruction can’t begin because Israel has refused the importing of building materials.

Good grief, were does one start with all that one sided nonsense and half assed reporting? First of all no one is denying that children suffer, but one must place the blame entirely on the party responsible, and that means the Palestinians themselves, not Israel. The whole affair was of their making, lock, stock and barrel.

There homes, schools and mosques are not safe, solely because Hamas made them that way, by using them as launching pads for missiles to be fired against Israel. Their children need therapy, but not just from war experiences, but from the elders cynical use of them as paramilitary mules and all the “summer camps” they are forced to attend to learn how to kill the Jew. Funny that neither Päivi Muma or Jukka Huusko bothers to mention that.

Any shortages that there are, and there are some but not much, are due to Hamas’ policies that place Hamas members at the top of the pecking order, any Fattah or Christians still remaining in the Strip are the last to get anything. As for the building materials, Israel (funny how Huusko just mentions Israel, and not Egypt here) is under no obligation to allow a sworn enemy to rebuild and to reinforce its military structures, as well as to help them to build tunnels to smuggle, yet more weapons into the Strip.

An eye witness report to the state of Gaza after the fighting stopped. Funny how these reporters never find the time to interview people such as Green. KGS

Yvonne Green’s

The Gaza I saw was societally intact. There were no homeless, walking wounded, hungry or underdressed people. The streets were busy, shops were hung with embroidered dresses and gigantic cooking pots, the markets were full of fresh meat and beautiful produce – the red radishes were bigger than grapefruits. Mothers accompanied by a 13-year-old boy told me they were bored of leaving home to sit on rubble all day to tell the press how they’d survived.

Womengraduates I met in Shijaya spoke of education as power as old men watched over them. No one praised their government as they showed me the sites of tunnels where fighters had meltedaway. No one declared Hamas victorious for creating a forced civilian front line as they showedme the remains of booby trapped homes and schools.

From what I saw and was told in Gaza, Operation Cast Lead pinpointed a totalitarian regime’s power bases and largely neutralized Hamas’s plans to make Israel its tool for the sacrifice of civilian life. Corroboration of my account may be found in tardy and piecemeal retractions of claims concerning the UNWRA school at Al-Fakhora; an isolated acknowledgment that Gaza is substantially intact by The New York Times; Internet media watch corrections; and the unresolved discrepancy between the alleged wounded and their unreported whereabouts.


The Israelis had taken out the Imad Akhel mosque. I asked the guide why it had been destroyed. He said the Israelis claimed it had been used as an arsenal. Was this true? ‘Look on YouTube at the secondary explosion,’ he said,” the implication being that there was evidence on the website that the mosque was used to store weapons. Apart from the strikes on Hamas buildings, the streets and houses were intact.

The market was heaving with food. The quality of the produce was better than in Tel Aviv. There were huge carcasses of meat on sale and there were barrows heaped with grapes, melons, vegetables and radishes bigger than grapefruit. “I said to the guide that no one would believe this. In England they think you’re starving. He laughed at that. He told me that all this produce was grown in Gaza.They are a very proud people.”

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