Anti-Israel bigotry and bias Blood libels CAMERA Finnish media Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Operation Cast Lead

Israel: Charges Against Unlawful Conduct in Gaza Operation Collapse…….

There was never any meat on the bones to the stories published by
Haaretz’s journalist, Amos Harel

Amos Harel: Gee, I should have checked the background
of the guy making the bogus claims
The Tundra Tabloids was contacted by a number of people over the last week and a half, who were worried over the charges that the IDF soldiers had acted improperly during Operation Cast Lead. To make matters worse, the charges were coming from a few of their own soldiers. My advice then, was wait until the dust clears before coming to any sort of a conclusion.
After having witnessed over the years, a countless number of stories describing the actions of the Israeli IDF in the worst possible light, and then finding out that the overwhelming majority of these stories had the consistency of helium, with many being simply concocted out of thin air, it’s been the Tundra Tabloids’ default policy to not jump to conclusions, but wait until the IDF had been able to conduct its own investigation.
That prudent policy was proved right once again, with the latest charges and stories of the IDF’s supposed “misdeeds” in Gaza, being proved to have been founded upon an urban myth. This means that the media, yes, even the Israeli media, namely the Haaretz, was blowing smoke with its wild claims about Israeli soldiers committing war crimes in Operation Cast Lead.

According to the media watch dog, CAMERA:

The New York Times has now published a follow-up story, Israel Disputes Soldiers’ Accounts of Gaza Abuses, which corrects some of the errors in its earlier reports, including the claim an Israeli sniper killed a mother and her two children. The Times admits that this charge was an “urban myth” based on nothing more than hearsay, and the story also directly quotes Israeli soldiers, including Yishai Goldflam, on the efforts they made to safeguard the lives and property of innocent Palestinian civilians.

There is more to be read at the CAMERA website on the matter, which is full of detail and interesting links, and therefor well worth the time to explore if you’re really interested in getting to the bottom of things. The sad truth to the matter is, the Finnish media, which widely reported on the incident, will more than likely turn a blind eye to the recent news of the story being nothing more than an “urban myth”.

It’s also a given, that if they (the Finnish media) actually return to the story, it will be nothing more than a “he said, she said” accounting, with Israel still in the end be cast as the less credible of the two parties. Either way it’s a lose lose situation. That’s how the Finnish media gets away with its own “incitement of a national group, Israel, time and again. KGS

UPDATE: The Finnish capital’s main newspaper, the Helsingin Sanomat, continues to promote the “urban legend” of war crimes committed by Israeli IDF soldiers during Operation Cast Lead, with HS journalist, Jukka Huusko, providing his reader with an “analysis” in yesterday’s paper (27.03.09) of the recent formation of the new Israeli government headed by Likud’s Benyamin Netanyahu. Here is what Huusko has to say topward the end in his op-ed (forget analysis, it’s actually op-ed space made available for journalists in the news section):

Helsingin Sanomat’s ace Middle East reporter

Huusko: I fall for every trick or bogus story in the book

Huusko: Samaan aikaan ihmisoikeusjärjestöjen todistukset ja israelilaisten sotilaiden omat tunnustukset Gazan sodan julmuuksista ja mahdollisista sotarikoksista ovat laskeneet Israelin arvostuksen maailmalla pohjamutiin. PR-kampanja tuskin riittää. Jos Israel haluaa pysyvää rauhaa ja haluaa palauttaa maineensa Lähi-idän kukoistavana ja menestyvänä demokratiana, siltä odotetaan tekoja.

Translation: At the same time, evidence by human rights organizations and confessions by Israeli soldiers about the cruelties of the Gaza war and possible war crimes have lowered Israel’s credibility in the world to mud bottom. A PR campaign (TT: including Labour into the government) will hardly be enough. If Israel wants a lasting peace and a return of its reputation as a flowering and successful democracy, deeds are expected from it.

The man has a lot of nerve to be dictating to a state he has spent a lot of time and enerygy in helping to de-ligitimize, here, here, here. The Helsingin Sanomat is well known for its lousy, and very biased reporting on Israel, so here are a few parting words of advice for Jukka Huusko and for the Helsingin Sanomat.

As long as the Helsingin Sanomat continues to (a) employ journalists to its foreign news department, whose main requirement is to (b) have a very deep seated, ideological bias and animosity towards the Jewish state of Israel, as well as (c) its gate keepers refuse to stop bogus stories, half-baked articles and slanted or selective views from being published in its pages, then it will (d) continue to be viewed as a third rate paper that has advertisements for a front page.

Tundra Tabloids

UPDATE: More Israeli soldiers speak out, the real voice of Israeli soldiers

One Response

  1. So glad to hear this.. I worried about it, too. And nothing in our local papers about it being a wishful thinking urban myth, I’m sure planted by some ant-zionist/semite. Trouble it has already caused the intended damage.. fanning the flames of anti-semitism.

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