
German Islamic Groups Identified as Running Criminal Organizations…….

When it comes to fooling the infidel

Ibrahim El-Zayat: Just practice Islam

Let’s see, Islamic groups involved in shady dealings, and Milli-Görus is involved, can anyone smell a rat?
Investigations against Islamic officials

The prosecution against top officials identified Islamic German clubs. The accusation: formation of a criminal organization. “Milli-Görus” is also under suspicion. As head of the Cologne group is multi-functionary El-Zayat. The suspected Ibrahim El-Zayat is considered an influential person in the Islamic associations in Germany.


It’s about money transactions and violent Islamist organizations in southern Germany. Revenue from dubious transactions or fraudulent financial structures “could have helped the Islamists. The investigators at the Munich prosecutor’s office and the police estimate that there are direct links between officials in Cologne and Kerpen, and activists working in Munich and Ulm.

The rest of the translation is lousy, so that’s the extent of the information I can pass on. KGS

H/T: Kumitonttu

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