Anti-Israel bigotry and bias Arab propaganda Gaza Operation Cast Lead

Finland’s Helsingin Sanomat Caught With Faux Caption to Gaza Picture…….

Oh what a tangled web we weave,When first we practise to deceive!” Sir Walter Scott

The caption just under the picture in the smaller print reads: “Ihmiset juoksivat suojaan, kun Israel ampui rypälepommin YK:n ylläpitämään kouluun Beit Lahijassa Gazassa lauantaina.”

Translation:People run for cover, when Israel shot a cluster bomb at a UN run school in Beit Lahija in Gaza on Saturday.”

Now here’s a video of what a real cluster bomb attack looks like, please notice the difference.

Thanks to Pikkupoika at the Keisarin uudet vaatteet (Emporor’s new clothes) for the scoop to the story. It’s not the first time the Finnish media has been horn-swaggled by the Palestinian media stringers who feed pictures and article to the Western media. The wire services (in this case: AP-Reuters) are notorious for their bad & biased reporting, and the media organizations that purchase their product time and again, are either willing dupes or completely unable to discern fact from fiction. KGS
NOTE: Here is a clearer picture of the same photo. You look and you decide.

2 Responses

  1. Looks like white phosphorous. Absolutely NOT a cluster bomb.

  2. And they were not shooting the WP at “a UN run school.” They were shooting the WP at the terrorists operating in and around the school, hiding like spineless cowards behind school age children and putting the children at risk.

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